
I applied and sent my resume to a hospital website since they are hiring..why haven't i received a call? ?

by  |  earlier

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should i be the one that takes the initiative and calls them? how long should i wait? should i always call back after i havent heard from a job?




  1. They may have hundreds of responses

  2. the economy is so ***** ed up right now..don be surprised if you dont get the job...

  3. you always have to call back. i mean they must get tons of apps they cant call everyone back. id wait a week before i call

  4. How long have you been waiting? If it's been a week then sure, there's no harm in calling them.

    A long silence usually means you weren't accepted though.

  5. It means that they don't want you.  If 100's of people are applying, they are not going to call everyone and tell them that they don't want you.  It'll take a full time employee 24/7 just to do that!

  6. its takes time i remeber my job it took 3 weeks for them to response

  7. There could be many reasons why they haven't called you back yet.

    1. You are not qualified for the job positioning.

    2. They have many more applicants than only you to overlook.

    3. They might have already hired their applicants that were qualified and applied way before you did.

    4. They might have not gotten to your application yet, it takes time.

    5. You should always call back after waiting a little while because it shows that you really want the job.

  8. It's always good to follow up your resume with a phone call, if you have a contact.  At hospitals though, it is generally just an HR department that holds them until the closing date then weeds out the unsuitable or unqualified ones, and forwards the rest to the manager of the department hiring.

    You may be in any part of that stage.

    Hope you get the job you want.

  9. In the past few years, it takes a long time to hear back after you have applied.  Most places do criminal background checks, and that could take a while.  I would give them three weeks, then call.  You don't want to seem to eager, but you don't want to just let it fall to the wayside, either.  

  10. Always call on a job application for a follow up that way they know you are interested.

  11. just wait they wouldn't give you a call they would send you an email

    is it a long time?

  12. Perhaps they didn't care for your resume. Or they received too many resumes for the position, found one early on that they're pinning their hopes on, and so yours may be in the pile that ends up in the trash. You can call at least once a day until you hear something definite; but at least continue to let them know you're serious about wanting the position.

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