
I apply my foundation then my conceler?

by  |  earlier

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Is that right or should it be concealer then foundation I notice when I do Concealer first it doesn't blend well but if I do so after It's perfect...




  1. oh well....

    when you apply concealer before foundation,, there will be 75% possibilities that the foundation will rub off the concealer... therefore,, i personally recommend applying a little amount of concealer as a temporary cover first (at least it will cover your unwanted spot first) then apply foundation on top of it... the last thing you do,, put again your concealer...

    this works for me... hope this will work for you too... ^^

  2. If doing the concealer 2nd works for you, then keep doing it. There isn't necessarily any right or wrong way to do it because the finished product is all that's important. Good luck!

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