
I asked, a alot of people asked but please answer honestly?

by Guest11011  |  earlier

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what are the limits of the human strength, endurance,speed,..paul anderson did a backlift 6270 ibs, on national geographic an man broke down a lot of ice blocks producing almost 2 tons of force,...trully what are the limits?




  1. Scientists are studying this all the time...

    No final answers have been published so, so far, I would guess we do not know.

  2. I think the limits are only as much as you think you can do. So if you honestly think you can do something like that with lots of training it could happen. But it depends on the person.

  3. honestly speaking especially for those believing in quantom physics there are no limits on the human body...however thsat does NOT mean for anyone to just go out and try to prove this it takes time to develope the skill you must push youself slowly

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