
I asked. Can someone show proof that Hussien was hanged that could not be done with photoshop?

by  |  earlier

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So far, no good. Super rich and p[owewrful monarchs in the middle east are rarely humg by outsiders influence. Jesus is a prime example.




  1. The hanging was televised so that the whole world could watch the hanging of Hussein.

  2. Ill sell you the noose for a fiver

  3. I saw Hussien having a beer with Elvis just the other day.

    He spent most of his time chasing skirts.

  4. NO!! Photoshop is for editing photos, not videos.

    Have you seen this news?

    This is what happens is someone lies that big =)

  5. I was with Bones and saw Elvis but I didn't see Saddam.

  6. I'm not sure just how you can compare Jesus to Saddam Hussein, but he is dead or we would have heard about it from someone credible (that means somebody besides you).

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