
I asked a ? about my son a week ago, about him losing weight, still concerned and had tests done???

by Guest56088  |  earlier

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Ok, I asked a question about my son losing weight a week ago, here is the link to the question:;_ylt=Aj4L_BYBun8vCk1GJuYvQDnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080206125706AAouaK5

Ok, I took him to the dr. they did some blood tests and all came back negative, they did blood cell counts, arthritis and a few others (those were the main concerns), they all came back negative so I was excited and tried to brush it off, BUT, he is still losing weight, always tired, still getting frequent fevers (atleast twice a week), looks sickly, bags under eyes. Tonight he could barely walk cause his tummy hurt, I just don't know what to do. My gut is telling me to have him tested further that something else is wrong...what should I do??? Had anyone experienced this with their child? Im lost, I don't know what to do!?!? Any advice would be appreciated!!




  1. Go back to the doctor - have them refer you to a specialist, or get more extensive testing. A second opinion sounds good but they would most likely repeat the same tests.   (I don't understand the test for arthritis - wouldn't this be some sort of gastrointestinal problem if he's eating but losing weight? Or thyroid/metabolism?)

    No matter what, I would listen to that inner voice!  Just because a few tests came out negative doesn't mean you are imagining things.

  2. Go with your gut and get a second or third opinion. Are yo seeing a pediatrician?

    Here are some ideas.

    Call a health professional if you or your child has symptoms of celiac disease. These symptoms include:

        * Losing weight unexpectedly.

        * Diarrhea that lasts longer than 1 to 2 weeks.

        * Failure of a child to grow or gain weight as expected.

        * Unusual fatigue or mood changes, especially if these last more than a week and are not related to any other illness, such as the flu.

    If you or your child has been diagnosed with celiac disease, call a health professional if:

        * Symptoms recur after having been absent.

        * A change in symptoms occurs, such as increased tiredness or increased stomach pain.

        * Your child has symptoms such as diarrhea or unexplained weight loss, and you know your child has not eaten gluten.

        * You cannot tell whether your child has eaten foods that have gluten, and his or her symptoms continue.

    my heart goes out to check out this website. I wish I had more information/help.

  3. Yeah you need to do somthing else for him and im sry i dont kno exactly wat to say, i would take him to the doc again. good luck.

  4. I dont' know what area of the country you live in but my nephew had a lot of those same symptoms including the joint pain and it turned out he had lymes disease (got it from a tick). Keep going to the docs until someone figures it out.

  5. I don't know what it could be but obviously something is up.  You have got to trust your instinct.  Either take him back to the dr. or if you don't think that one is doing any good take him to another dr. for a 2nd opinion.  On several occasions with my children I just couldn't be relieved, I just kept worrying and I took my children in again or to a different dr, and on a couple of occasions it saved their lives.  Once my son had internal bleeding in his gut and I had taken him 3 times to our pediatrician and she just acted like, well this is your first baby, babys get colicky, babys spit up, relax, nothings wrong, until I finally took him to an emergency room and the dr. found that he had reflux and because they had brushed me off it had gotten to the point where he was bleeding.  Thank God he was admitted to the hospital and tests run and placed on medication and is fine.  Please if you can't brush it off go somewhere and insist.  BTW I read your other question and it sounded like my son at 7, he complained of his heart hurting, he had dark circles under his eyes, bags under his eyes ,complained of leg cramps, was pale and looked like he could not get over a cold.  He was diagnosed with asthma(chest pain) allergies(dark circles and bags under his eyes) they just thought his tummy hurt because an xray showed he was constipated.  Well I was doubtful but when they treated the asthma and allergies and constipation he felt and looked alot better.

  6. I agree you need to go with your gut and get another opinion.  Sometimes doctors dont always know the answers either.  Just treat the symptoms as best you can.  I wish I could give you a better answer.  Good luck!

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