
I asked a few days ago and didn't get a response so: I've heard it said a few times that the wealthy should...

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike more taxes because they can afford it? my question is, what is "wealthy" in the eyes of the left? And what percentage of their hard earnings do you believe is justifiable for them to pay in taxes?




  1. Why should a "rich" person pay more taxes just because they are rich? Why don't all taxpayers pay the same percentage of their income, if we must have an income tax? Why is there all this class envy and warfare? Nobody gets a job from a poor person. Rich people make the jobs for other people who someday might be rich, and so on. Come on Comrades! Wake up.

  2. Let's turn this around.  The bottom 40% of the population only has 2/10 of 1% of the nation's wealth.  The fact that we only pay 3% of the nation's income taxes doesn't mean that we aren't paying our part.  In fact, we're paying 15 times our part, in comparison to the percent of wealth that we own.

    The next 20% only own 3.8% of the wealth, but they pay over 10% of the taxes.  

    That's already 60% of the population, and 13% of income taxes, but they only have 4% of the nation's wealth.

    That same 60% pay almost 50% of the social security taxes.  

    They are paying much more than their share, as a percentage of wealth, in state taxes, property taxes, school taxes, etc.

    The next 20% of the population is in the 60-80% bracket.  They own 11% of the wealth, and pay 16% of the taxes.  Still much more than their percentage of wealth but it's going down.

    The top 20% do pay 71% of the taxes.  But they own 85% of the wealth.  They are the ONLY group that pays less taxes than the percentage of the nation's wealth that it owns.

    Out of the bottom 40%, 5% are unemployed.  The rest are the people who serve the food, build the houses, work in the factories, cook the food, do the plumbing, etc.; they used to be praised as the backbone of America.  Now, you have the nerve to call them bums because you are too stingy to PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE.

    The top 20% have 85% of the wealth.  Let them pay 85% of the taxes!

  3. We should pat the same percent as the rest of the people.

    why would you tax people for working hard and tax the lazy people less.

    They should be taxed more for being a drain on the economy

  4. i think wealthy is when you dont have to work for your money.

    or when you have enough money to buy things that you dont need.

  5. The top tier pays approximately 70% of the taxes paid in the U.S.  I'd say they pay their fair share!  Leavem be!  You wanna stimulate the economy?  Let people spend the money they earn!!!

  6. It really is a shame. America was founded as a place of equality, where someone can come and make millions. We are the greatest country in the world, and "progressive" interest will stop at nothing to turn us into a quasi-European welfare state. Those are some pretty harsh words, and I'll get many-a thumbs down, but it's the truth.

    Progressive taxation does nothing but reinforce the thought that we're all different.

    The whole idea of progressive taxation is based on nothing more than fiscal jealousy. Supporters say that "everyone, despite how much they make, must have a tax burden that hits them as much as the bottom bracket is it". In other words, a person making $200,000 must be hit as hard by income taxes as a person making $15,000. That's hardly the reason why they support it (in America at least).

    It's all about fiscal jealousy. The idea that "if I can't have it, no one can". It's an asinine thought process.

    The liberal, democrats, and so called progressives can't stand that some people make more money than other people.

    They point out that "the vast majority of the wealthy people either didn't work for their money or they had a tremendous amount of help from their daddy's connections." Never mind the fact that almost 90% of millionaires in the U.S. are first generation, meaning they built that wealth without daddy's help.

    Wealth building also takes a certain kind of person. The typical millionaire drives a 3-4 year-old car, invests, has a good amount of self-discipline, has a household budget, they didn't get rich quick, they don't gamble or play the lottery, and they don't buy mansions that could hold 300 elephants.

    People who are jealous about not being rich are usually the ones who play the lottery, buy as much house as they can barely afford, buy new cars, and go out to eat way too often to show people that they have money. Most actual millionaires aren't concerned about letting people know about their wealth.

    So that's my opinion. The left collectively thinks that the successful have a moral obligation to take care of the less successful, and the less successful have an abnormally large sense of entitlement.

    It's really troubling that a large part of the country have become so jealous and bitter that they think that people don't deserve what they earn and that we have to take it away for the greater good.

    Hope this helps!

  7. over 250k a year , anything from 100-249k would be uneffected so they say.

  8. anybody not on government assistance is rich to the democrats.

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