
I asked a question about this a week ago...?

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A week ago I was really scared that there was something seriously wrong with me, because I felt like I was having a heart attack. My whole torso hurt really bad and it felt like someone was inflating a balloon inside me. My throat hurt too, not like a normal sore throat, but it was kind of numb. It was hard to breath too. I had a headache and all I could think about was that there was something wrong with my heart and I was worried I was going to die or pass out. I was really cold and sweating. I told my mom and she didn't think it was a big deal and she told me to lie down, so I did, but it didn't help. The pain was worse in my ribs and chest. For about 5 minutes it kept on getting worse, then it hurt like h**l for about 20 minutes, after that the pain gradually decreased for about 15-20 minutes. It hurt so bad I wondered if I should call 911. All the answers to the question last week weren't helpful. They all said I was getting my period or to take a dump or that I was pregnant (not possible!). So, heres the point of this whole story. On tv today there was someone describing a panic attack, and it made me remember that incedent. I looked a little on yahoo answers, and what happened to me sounds more like an anxiety attack. I'm not on drugs for any anxiety problems or anything like that. Don't use illegal drugs, I'm not on any medication at all. This has happened to me 3 or 4 times before, in the last year. I didn't think much about what it might be the other times this happened. I'm a 13 year old girl. If it was some kind of anxiety/panic attack, I have no idea what caused it, I don't think I was thinking about something that might have brought this on at the time. To people who have had panic attacks or anxiety attacks, do you know the first time you have one that that is what it is or do you know it's happening because of some kind of problem like that? Does this only happen when you are feeling sad/scared/worried etc.? Does my problem sound like this, if not any idea what it might be? please help!




  1. It sounds like a panic attack to me. A lot of people who have a panic attack actually think they are having a heart attack, also - you can have a panic attack and not be able to identify why it happened - some people don't even feel anxious but still have them. Here is a link that might help. I would suggest telling your parents what is going on, if the attacks continue there is medication you can take that will help.

  2. instead of being on yahoo answers

    you should get it checked out

    better safe than sorry

  3. It sounds like you may be having a panic attack.  I have had them before a couple times.  I have not experienced any pain though.  But that feeling of heart attack, shortness of breath, shaking, feeling like your gonna die, sweating, feeling like you might pee yourself/vomit...and so on.  Its a terrible feeling and the episodes come when your least expecting them.  I know with me that I have to not drink so much caffeine, NO POT, and not be in too stressful situations.  I have tendencies to have shortness of breath, clenching my teeth, twitching, and some OCD issues.  But I don't take anything for this because I seem to manage it on my own through talking my self down when i get overwhelmed in a situation.  I suggest that you talk to your doctor, even if you don't want treatment, but just so he knows where your at mentally. Its nothing to be ashamed of and its  happening more and more. Also drink calming herbal teas and eat and exercise well and love your self, if you don't take care of yourself, who will?!  

  4. People who've gone to war and seen real bad stuff usually experience these symptoms at night. You should really go see a doctor!

  5. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. You should see your doctor with any health questions.

    Having a panic attack is one of the most intensely frightening experiences someone can have. Basically your body releases adrenaline, thinking that you're in a situation where you need to react quickly. Perhaps you've heard of fight or flight? It's a physical and emotional response most animals, including humans, have when confronted with danger. Your heart races and your breathing quickens, and you're very afraid. The purpose of this is to give you the energy and focus to run or fight when confronted with danger (a predator, for example).

    People who have panic attacks release adrenaline and stimulate fight or flight at inappropriate times. Sometimes, they're in response to small things, like a homework assignment, or to nothing at all. I had one a couple of months ago at work, out of nowhere, when I was getting ready to go home.

    As there is no real danger for you to focus on when you're having a panic attack, you focus on the sensation of racing heart and rapid breathing instead. You begin to feel afraid that you're going to die, because there's no reason for your body to be doing that. When you feel fear, your body thinks you are under attack, and releases more adrenaline. This makes the panic attack worse.

    Many people who have panic attacks have called 911 or gone to the emergency room because they didn't know what was happening. Don't feel bad about that.

    You really should go to the doctor, though. It sounds very likely that this was only a panic attack, but you should get an examination to make sure.

    If you have another panic attack, the important thing to remember is that no one has ever died from a panic attack. If you can keep yourself from feeling fear, you can keep your brain from releasing more adrenaline and making it worse. Another very simple way of controlling a panic attack is the old trick of breathing into a paper lunch bag. This actually works. Carbon dioxide levels in the blood decrease during a panic attack, due to your rapid breathing, as your body focuses on providing oxygen to your muscles (including your heart) so you're stronger and quicker. If you raise the carbon dioxide by re-inhaling your exhalations, your heart rate will begin to slow down.

    If you have panic attacks frequently, your doctor may choose to prescribe medication for you, though I'm unsure if there are any options for someone of your age. Most SSRI's (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, etc) can be used to treat panic attacks, but they shouldn't be prescribed to teenagers, as they increase the risk of suicidal thoughts.

    Don't feel like having panic attacks means you're a coward or that it means you'll be afraid all the time. I have a totally different reaction when there's a situation where I actually should be afraid. Oftentimes, in an emergency, like a car accident or fire, I'm the calmest person there, and the first one to act.

  6. My sister has these. the doctors gave her some prescription pill. Tell your mom. you need to go to a doctor.  

  7. When in doubt go too the hospital

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