
I asked a question and it got removed?

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I'm not sure why it was about getting a loan on the house I'm trying to get.what was the problem?




  1. Had the question ended or was in voting? If Best Answer was an "Advance Fee Loan Fraud" scammer, then myself or someone else reported the answer, which would end up getting your question removed also... Since this question also has the word "loan" in it, you'll get more answers from the likes of "Cindy Smith"... and they will get deleted... This is also why so many loan questions have multiple answers listed, and yet only 1-2 showing... Other than the above apply, figure it was a reporter troll striking and fight the removal...

    Here are some tips for determining whether a loan is legitimate or a scam:

    1) They don't use a free email address (yahoo, gmail, hotmail, live, etc)

    2) They have a secure website you can go to to fill out their application (this isn't 100%... do a search with the company + fraud and also + scam... and check the BBB)

    3) They don't require ANY fees upfront. Any fees will come out of proceeds of the loan (scammers want their fees via Western Union or Moneygram)

    4) They have a REAL address you can send mail to

    5) They have a REAL phone number, not a cel phone

    6) Look at their profile - usually created in the last 48 hours. Why? Because they get reported for this, yahoo deletes the accounts, so they just open a new one and send again until they are deleted once more!

    7) If you're STILL not convinced, despite one or more of the above applying, check them out for yourself: allows you to search for their IP... turn on your full headers and check each one of the IP's in their email to you! Or check the data base at: ...if nothing shows up, post your email under: and a professional will check them out for you... (please include FULL headers minus your personal information)... Once you've checked them and are convinced they are scammers, please forward a copy of their "loan application" to,, etc

  2. The Yahoo Police work with their head buried in a dark place most of the time.

  3. If so many people report your question, it can be removed.

  4. not cool. maybe u didnt ask, or maybe u removed it by accident? ask again =)

  5. Someone probably reported it.

  6. If your asking for a loan on yahoo then its a violation but if your asking about a loan then a troll suddenly reported you for no reason at all.

  7. Lol, its probibly agianst some code where your not allowed to ask for financial advice

  8. Whats the question? I used to be a loan officer. Maybe I can be of some assistance?

  9. nothing was. people just think its fun or funny to remove a question so that u cant get teh answer to. there losers. its happened 2 me a lot 2.

  10. I think some idiot just reported you.  There are people like that.

  11. You should ask Y!A or appeal the violation.

    How did you pose the question?  

    I can tell you that this question could be removed because it's considered "chatting."

  12. We don't know. What did the e-mail you got from Yahoo say was the reason it was removed?

  13. Read up on the rules:

  14. What was the question?

  15. Sometimes if people get nasty - foul language and too argumentative, someone may complain and it could get removed.  Someone may have asked something too specific where you might have gotten into trouble if you answered it as well - identity theft problem.

    Or might have been a mistake.  I am not sure how  you check that, but you might  try to see if you can find customer service on here and ask them why it was removed.  Tell them  your question and the general ideas of answers you received.

    Or how about asking the question again.  My stepson just asked me about mortgage payments made every 2 weeks rather than once a month and asked if I knew about them.  I told him yes that you could cut a number of years off a mortgage that way as you pay 13 months instead of 12, but also pay on the principal sooner and that reduces the interest rate as well so it is more than just 13 months in a year.  I also suggested to him that he get an amortization table from the bank or mortgage company and see if he is permitted under the rules he signed to pay additinal principal payments. Up front the principal is very small and he could pay an extra $100 and it could be like 3 or 4 months of payments and subtracts that number of payments off the end of the loan.  By having the table, he can follow (not totally accurate as also reduces interest as well,  but he could follow the number of payments he would have remaining.  For instance, if he paid 4 additional principal only payments, those payments might be $20 for each paymnet and for an additinal $20 up front, he is reducing 4 months at the end of the load or in the bi-weekly only 4 bi-weekly payments or 2 months.  It is a great way to pay down a loan faster near the beginning of the loan up to the middle when the principal is low and the interest high.   You avoid the high interest for all those extra payments.

    I hope this helps when you are looking at loans on a home.  Good luck to you..

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