
I asked a question can i get a job working as a nurse ,if I had a felony record,does it matter how long ago .

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I asked a question can i get a job working as a nurse ,if I had a felony record,does it matter how long ago .




  1. I used to be a nurse myself, and I have a felony. I lost my license & was told it would not be reinstated due to that felony. Mine was 10 years ago, and had been a nurse for 17 years prior. I hope you can find a way around it, I never could! Good luck to you!

  2. Yes you can. You have to write to the state licensing board a detailed letter of your arrest and the circumstances of it, then they will decide if you can be licensed or not. However, the hospitals are in such need of good workers right now if you are willing to take a lesser position such as nurses assistant then such a record souldn't stop you from gaining employment unless you lie on the application and they actually do a backround check. In which case it is the lie that will have stopped you from getting the job. On the application it is never a good idea to lie especially if they do checks. Always tell the truth with an explaination and eventually you will find a decent employer that is willing to give you chance.

  3. atleast in my state criminal felonies and non epungable

  4. I don't think so!! Talk to a layer and see if you could erase it.

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