
I asked criticized Hamilton today and have lost 10 points that just about sums up his supporters doesn't it

by  |  earlier

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No talant wasters backing a no talant driver. I'm entitled to an opinion there was no need for this !




  1. YA has became **** ,freedom is speech my ***..we should all be allowed to say what we feel and not get reported or loose points etc.. same with YM ,full of bots and asses and pervs .. Yahoo is a JOKE

  2. Doreen honey, you know my views and you know I don't report. Its a shame it has to come to this. I think its more the job worths who are in the reporter patrol. remember I moaned to you how it p1ssed me off when my DC question got deleted!!!!!!!!!

  3. Fine. Well now you know what to do to them. Hamilton is overrated and a nasty piece of work so criticism should be expected. These idiots remind me of the Mansell morons of the 80's.

  4. This IS Opinionland hun.. ..I`ve lived here a while .. but now it seems you are NOT entitled to an opinion or freedom of speech after all .. without the trolls pressing the Report button .... gives them power , you a pound to a pinch of s**t  that they are patients of St.Yahoo`s hospital ...just got out ....after having their sense of humour removed ....FFS  some people need to lighten up a little ....xx

  5. Hamilton is allright.......not GR8 but .............OK??!

    srry about your pts. and u r right this is about your opinions not the TRUTH OF FACTS EVEY1 HAS A WAY PEOPLE C THINGS!!

  6. ?

  7. I'm sorry I'm not into the deep secrets of YA, how exactly can someone lose 10 points for not being liked?

    I though you lost points for editing an answer or deleting a q?

    What's with all this game of thumbs downs and stuff I REALLY don't get it.

    And why are points important?

  8. How do you ask criticize?

    Probably doesn't qualify as a question, that may be the issue.

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