
I asked in the wrong!

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I had a dream last night. I was lying in bed, which I really was. I woke up feeling extremely hot, but not sweating. Suddenly I popped up on my feet and kept hurling down on the bed, then popping back up on my feet. I then jumped off the bed, I woke up and just felt evil around me. I prayed till I fell asleep. I'm a strong believer in God, i'm not addicted to things, i have a pretty good life. Work and marriage aren't stressful...i'm not sure what it was all about. Any ideas?




  1. Yuo may have this fear of evil anf the devil remember God has not given you a  spirit of fear but of love power and of a sound mind.

  2. Dreams are another life all together we have no control over them and there a beliefs that the Devil can enter into your dreams.  Also keep track of it if it happens again or something similar keep that in mind also say "God please protect me as I sleep"  It works more then not.

  3. sounds like you believe in god and that's good, but you might be scared that the devil will hurt you and is trying to pull you down. so dont worrie gods there for you. god bless you and good luck. betty.

  4. Seems you are looking for some... change but you keep pulling yourself back.

    It is nothing evil. Fighting with your subconscious may seem that way.

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