
I asked the full serve station for $20.00, but they filled the tank. Am I responsible to pay the balance?

by  |  earlier

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I asked the full serve station for $20.00, but they filled the tank. Am I responsible to pay the balance?




  1. It is their problem not yours.

  2. No, you told them $20. If they added more than that, it's their problem. But you should still inform them that they added more than what you asked for.

  3. I would just pay the $20.00

    Not sure how you're going to prove that you only asked for $20 though.  That's the tricky part.

  4. You wouldn't think so...If you go out to eat and order a round steak and they serve you a fillet, they would apologize for their mess up and probley either give you the meal on the house or at the very least, they would charge you for what YOU ORDERED.  That is with out a doubt their mistake and I would refuse to pay a dime over $20.00!

  5. If it were ME, I would say "look, you gave me a lot more than the 20 bucks worth I asked for, but tell ya what. I'll pay for half the difference and you pay for the OTHER half" take it or leave it.

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