
I asked the question.... whats the worst thing you've ever witnessed?

by  |  earlier

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And it got deleted after 14 answers. I did request nothing too nasty, anyone like to give any or offer a reason why this should have been deleted (the reason given was because it wasnt a question!!)




  1. You need to build a bridge and get over it. It happens here. Sorry!


    My husband dying very young.

  2. Ew, I just read the thing about the Pigeon ,

    The worst thing I have seen is my best friend scratching his bits in assembly infront of my face.

  3. not sure ive had lots removed ... its the yahoo and the people who report.. someone may have said that your question was 'chat'  ive had that before..

    it isnt worth bothering about really you wont get anywhere.....

  4. I came out of a pub one night and some drunken coked up lad just missed me in a van and hit some girl, she was killed instantly, her leg came off it was horrible, I was first on the scene and didnt know what to do. It turned out she had 2 young children. The b*st*rd only got 5 years.

  5. Oh wel its silly! but the worst thing i have ever witnessed ws a man ( most probly heavily under the influence of alcohol/drugs) on our beach bite a pigeons head off while it was alive! gross! i screamedd! there was blood on his teeth eeww! so horrible.. plus the pigeons body was still flapping whilst its head was de headed! eewww awfull!

  6. As an RN the worst thing I EVER witnessed was a person dieing...and I will never forget that first one...because there have so many since then..

  7. i witnessed a robber steeling my bosses hand bag out of her locker at work he had a s***w drive. he barged past me i thought he was going to stab me with it that was 2 months ago, thank god the police got him.

  8. My cousin was attacked and nearly killed on his birthday. It was the worst thing I've ever seen, we thought he was dead.

  9. Thats weird, Its only a question after all :)

  10. my wifes grandma died while i was holding her hand,she gripped it tight,turned and looked at me,then went.

    it will stay with me forever,and i wouldnt class it as worst,because i knew she loved me,and i felt honoured,because she didnt acknowledge anyone for days,so for her to do that...i eventually come to terms that it was a compliment.enough said,im welling up.

  11. I once say a guy on a chopper hit a truck that pulled out in front of him. The chopper was doing @ 65 mph and the truck driver was old and didn't see the biker. Thi bike disintegrated and the biker hit the part of the cab behind the drivers side door with his face(no helmet). I took a few moments but before the ambulance could arrive he was dead. His head was compressed to @ 1/2 of it's normal size and you couldn't even see his eyes. A helmet would not have mattered in this kind of impact, it would have been destroyed too. His ribs were showing and there was pink foam all over the body.

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