
I asked this b4 but i want a lil more answers: my lil sis hates me right now....and kinda scared her b/f away?

by Guest57451  |  earlier

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Okay my sis is ONLY 14, and i met her b/f....His older brother is a drug im worried about her with him,

anyway i was at the movies with my friends, and saw them togather, so i told her b/f to stay away from my sis...cuz i could tell he had a pocket knife in his pocket, but my sis couldnt tell

Am I wrong?, she wont talk to me cuz now he thinks she has a crazy family and wont talk to now she hates me

How can i fix dis




  1. call the police on him pocket knifes on dates arent normal also you should ask ur mom and u might want to just go to ur sister and make her talk to u bout it good luck!

  2. You are not wrong at all. You are just looking out for your little sis, it is what older siblings do. She will get over it eventually, good luck.

  3. well try to explain to her why you talked to her b/f and then if she still wont talk to you just give her space and eventually she will forgive you

  4. Just because his older brother is a drug addict doesn't make him one. As for the knife, what guy doesn't carry one? I think if you were worried you should have told the parents. Come clean to her boyfriend and remedy this or suffer having you sis mad at you for a while.

  5. First your sister should not hate you take the time and tell your sorry and you were just tying to protect her.  

  6. You can't fix it. She will do what she wants to do. The only thing you can do is hope that she will come to her senses and hope everything turns out OK. If you really want to make her mad, tell your parents...

  7. 1st, the brother is the drug addict not him, 2nd, WTF difference did a pocket knife have to do with anything!

    The solution: Talk to the boyfriend, find out his situation at all cost's so you know WTH your doing and talking about.  Find out the facts before you go around bullying an treating people like $hit based off your God Damned assumptions and stereotyping!  Apologize to you sister weather she listens or not!  Set the record straight by getting informed and getting them back together if you find that all your assumptions were wrong!  Your older yes you have better instincts because of longer life on this planet, but you made a mistake and now you have to do the leg work if you want to make this right!  Don't skip a beat and move post haste, doo all this ASAP and begin by showing your lil sis this question because it shows you really do care and are now trying to do right by her and her boyfriend!!!  BTW you are right to be cautious about a kid who walks around with a knife, but if he's a good kid, you know what I use to do that all the time to cut stuff not people, and not to vandalize anything either!  okay there you go so when you read this I welcome a thank you and an up date Best of luck to you sweetie, & how old are you?


  8. sounds like your just watching out for your sis. Maybe you should not put it in public so much and tell her friends instead tell her

    There's no fixing it she'll grow up or you can whip old boys but.

  9. Don't be too overprotective, she can look out for herself. And just because her brother is a drug addict, doesn't mean she is. I mean, my sister is on drugs and lives with her bf since she was 16, but I'm a good kid. I'm just saying. But, it's a pocket knife, and it's made for pockets. Maybe your a little paranoyed and you should talk to your sister about him.

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