
I asked this earlier, but let me try to rephrase...?

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IBecause of the massive flooding on the Mississippi the bridge I have to cross to get to work has closed. (I live in Illinois and work in Iowa)It took my travel time from 30 minutes one way to over 1 hour one way. After making that drive for a week, and spending $160.00 in gas, a family member who also lives in the same town I do and works in the same town I do said that she had just applied for disaster unemploymentdue to the excessive drive. I spoke with my husband, who was already stressed about how much extra $$ we were spending on gas (I only gross $1,500 a month and only get paid once a month) and decided I should do the same. I let my boss know that I just could not financially make that drive and I would just have to wait until the bridge opened. Two weeks later, bridge still closed, I got a call from the office manager telling me my boss wanted my key back. Now he is fighting my unemployment saying I quit. I understand he had to fill the position, how will unemployment see it




  1. That's hard to tell.  Normally you wouldn't have much of a chance of collecting, but sometimes with disasters the rules get bent for awhile.  You did what you felt you had to do, anyway.  I think in your previous question you said you had only worked there a fairly short time - like 6 weeks or something like that?  At that point, they probably don't feel they have enough invested in you to make allowances and keep you on.

    Good luck in finding another job, anyway.

  2. you gave up a job because you couldnt pay for gas... so you are saying that 160 dollars a week cost you 1500 dollars a month in income,,, you are a scared weak person,,, step it up and do some math... write down a budget and stick to it... use math to work out your issues not your gut and your feelings.. you gave up an OK job and now put your family at risk... use your head and get a job fast.... dont live off unemployment that will pay you far less than 1500 dollars a month... you really screwed up,, crawl back to your old boss and get your job back.

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