
I asked this question but I didnt get alot of answers.?

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What group would I fit into most likely in high school?

I like fashion.

I wear indie style clothes.

I like to be unique and original but not over the top.

Im smart and I do well in school

but i will go do stuff with friends before homework.

I used to smoke weed and hangout with stoners

but now im kind of over that but im still up for smoking

every now and then not all the time though.

I used to be preppy but im superrr over that,

its not original at all.




  1. In a group that likes fashion, wears "indie-style" style clothes, likes to be unique and original but not extravagant, is smart and does well at school, is social as well as studious, has experienced and experimented with substances but is kind of, sort of over that,but will maybe do it from time to time, and use to be preppy but not anymore.

    You shouldn't try to label yourself, you'll only limit your self-image. You're your own person and should be free.

  2. dont do drugs

  3. You shouldnt do all those stupid stuffs like smoking. Its not gonna do you any good.

  4. It is a sad idea that you are asking others what group you would fit into. To answer your question based on the criteria you have submitted: You could try the "goth" kids but I think your disposition wouldn't fit. You could try the popular kids but I think the whole being unique and original will push you out of that group as well. I say start your own group! If you are as original as you say, then trying to join a group or even determine what group to expect to be in will stop any originality you hope to retain. So, if you are concerned about originality then start your own group that includes everyone and is not cliquish in anyway. That is an original idea that I had when I was in high school.

  5. You will be the one that, Most likely Succeeds!).  You go girl !!

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