
I asked this question yesterday and got no response, plzz plzz help me.!?

by  |  earlier

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Well i found out my ex boyfriend got a new girl friend.

and i don't care really

but when i told him that I'm going out with this guy were are both friends with he said that that pissed him off cause he was supposed to be his friend.

He got really mad and started telling me all this c**p i don't believe.

he told me that my boyfriend has 20 other girls and is just looking to get laid.

he(2[ex]) said that he(1[current]) dropped his pants in front of 2's mom underwear and all and that he was going to kick his @s$ for it

2 also said that i'd learn and he thought bringing his mom into it would make it better which it didn't cause i don't like his mom she's a sl*t

i told him that i wasn't going to listen becuz it sounds like he's just trying to break us up.

he told me to go ahead and do what i want but don't come back to him for anything

he told me to go ahead and get aids or herpes or whatever he has he didn't care any more.

i told my current bf about htis and he said it pissed him off and they are going to end up in a fight i know it.

what do i do about this i want to stay friends with my ex but he's making it really hard he's to over protective

and i would much rather they dont get into a fight.

so plzzzzzzz help me i need to know what to do




  1. Just ignore him he is obviously jealous of your relationship and he will get over it in time.He is obviously making this stuff up because he would have mentioned it before now if it was true.Tell your ex you care deeply about his friend he has moved on and he should allow you to and stop being so immature.Tell him you would like to all stay friends but that ball lies in his court.

  2. What drama.

    Simple response: Why go out with someone who even if he ISN'T doing all those things, is still liable enough to develop a rep like that in the first place? Can't you just pick a sweet, kind, caring guy and not some pompous jerk who's seriously, obviously only after one thing?


  3. Maybe Your Ex is Right. It sounds like he still cares for you and wants to protect you from getting hurt.

  4. I'd just dump your current boyfriend....

    Not trying to be rude but why would you date your ex's friend? you kind of had to see something like this coming.  

  5. Well first of all I don't think you should believe a word that your ex says, he's probably saying it out of anger.

    Second I know you probably want to stay friends with your ex but if he's going to be telling you lies like that the best thing for you to do is forget about him, don't let him get in the way of your new man, because most likely that will end your relationship.


  6. I think that maybe your ex is jealous and wants you back...Maybe you should just let them do what they want.Its not your fault they're so imature besides they'll be fighting for you.I would luv to guys to fight for me any day.

  7. maybe things arent going to work out as friends between the two of you. there is so much drama going on in the little circle....I think it would be best to try to talk to him and see if he would just leave it alone and move on and try to be friends.  

  8. I'm guessing 2 is just jealous and maybe he still likes you. maybe he cant bear to see you with a another person. talk to him

  9. it sounds like to me that he is jealouse and whats good for him is not good for you... i would just foreget about him and dont even be friends with him... if he was a true friend to ur bf then he would not be talking a bunch of smack... high school drama thats all it is and you have to let the two of them finish it dont get involved with any of it anymore because then ur going to loose a bf and a friend in the long run so dont worry about what he says and dont bring his mom in to it deal with it on your own....she will only back him up just like your mom will only back you up.... good luck

  10. I wouldn't date either boy they sound immature and stupid. But I don’t think I date you either if I were a boy. Too much drama.  

  11. first off i would tell your ex that he needs to back off especially if he still wants to be friends with you. and if he don't back off about than you tell him that you can not be friends with him. and that he shouldn't worry about you like that too much cause otherwise his gf is going to think that he wants you back and then there will be a fight between you and her. and lastly i think that he is just trying to tell you that he wants you back.  

  12. In high school guy culture, guys gain status by having relationships with girls.  The way guys keep score, if 2 feels that 1 is his inferior, then it devalues what he had gained by having a relationship with you.

    Guys also have difficulty understanding why girls are attracted to certain other guys, such as Players, Bad Boys and etc.  If 2 believes that you are now dating the "wrong type" of guy, then it's another slap in his face because he thinks you're not being choosy enough now-- that further devalues what he thought he had gained through dating you.

    2 is likely to consider 1's behavior as a challenge to his own status.  If this isn't tolerable for him, then he will probably try to put 1 in his place if he can.  Unfortunately, one of the ways he might do this is by being insulting to you.  This serves two purposes, it cheapens whatever 1 is now getting out of the relationship with you and it is an obvious provocation to 1 who is now expected to defend you.  If 1 doesn't defend you, then he will lose status and 2 will recover some of what he thinks he has lost.  

    For your own part, if you tell 2 you won't listen to him, then you are further disrespecting him and that is aggravating all of the above.  It would've been better if you said, "Thanks, I know you're looking out for me.  Maybe I am making a mistake but I can take care of myself."

    When you carried the info to 1, you're now playing 2's status game, and perhaps, you're also testing 1 to see if he will avenge you.  If you don't want to see 2 in a fight with 1, then stop disrespecting 2 and stop assisting in the provocation of 1.

    Lastly, 2 will be worried that you will tell 1 some of the personal feelings/info he shared with you.  Guys are very reluctant to share these things with other guys, especially their friends.  If you're still trying to be friends with Guy 2, then Guy 1 will also have the same concerns.  Since you already have been feeding Guy 1 what Guy 2 said "to protect" you (Ha!) then if it escalates between them, both guys will know that (a) a relationship with you comes at a high price and (b) that you can't be trusted to keep their personal information to yourself.      

  13. its stupid thats why no one answered yesterday either ...hes you ex move on quit talking to him and dont listen to nothing he says....get over it thats just life..grow up

  14. drop the boy i can see things arent gonna be right

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