
I asked where to get a photo ID for my son who is going to Puerto Rico with his grandfather. He is only 12.?

by  |  earlier

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The dept. of motor vehicles won't give him one. Is there any other place the I can get a legal ID in Pennsylvania for a minor? Thanks




  1. passport maybe?

  2. With the new changes in the passport laws, you may want to check to make sure that a passport is not required. Even if it is not, it might be the easiest way to prove identification of a minor child.

    Good luck!

  3. Passport.

  4. School????

    But  to go to Puerto rico all he needs is  his  birth certificate and a Notarized letter from the Parents given permission to the minor  to travel with him...make  sure to write that he has permision to make medical decision also...

  5. I would get him a passport or the new passport card.

    Apply for one. Usually some post offices do this too.

    Look here:

  6. He needs to get a passport.

  7. If you live anywhere around Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Children's Hospital can get them made.  Also allot of schools can get them made up.  If not here's a website that makes them

    You don't need a passport to go to Puerto Rico since it's part of the U.S. but it would be a good investment for future vacations.

  8. The Post Office,,,

  9. Go to RiteAid or Walgreens wherever they take Passport photos and get him a passport.

  10. The only other thing I can think of would be to get a passport for him.  They are quite pricey but are excepted everywhere and required when traveling to a lot of places.

  11. You definitely need a passport. As a US citizen you can travel to PR without a passport but you can not return to the main land without one. Also because you son is a minor and I am assuming his grandfather is not his legal guardians you need to write a letter of permission for your son to travel with him. Although it is usually not an issue it does sometime come up when traveling with a minor. Also the letter should be notarized and kept with your sons passport

  12. You do not need a passport to come to Puerto Rico, but if you really want hin to have an I.D. have a copy of his birth certificate and cosider going here

    I hope this helps.

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