
I ate 5 grams of trans fat from one danish pastry! What's gonna happen to me?

by  |  earlier

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I ate 5 grams of trans fat from one danish pastry! What's gonna happen to me? Am I gonna get fat? Will my arteries get clogged? I am a 17 year old male by the way.




  1. Nothing bad will happen to you if you are a normal healthy 17 year old boy.

    If it upsets you that you consumed so much fat in one sitting, maybe you should go walk it off, or run it off. You are young, why are you so concerned about trans fat?

    Being aware and educated is great but at this time in your life I don't think it's something that should make you upset at all.

    Live life and enjoy being 17!  Worrying about transfat will come soon enough.

  2. oh my god, you're going to be like those fat people that can't even get out of bed and they get covered in sores and then you'll die and you'll be too fat to get out of the house and they're gonna have to cut a bigger door and haul you out on a forklift!  piggy!!!

  3. relax kid, you are going to be fine, it ain't like you sat around all day eating nothing but danishes, if you did that then you would just gain a few pounds of body fat.

  4. Please relax, take a few deep breath.  You will be fine, this will not harm you in any way unless you eat repeatedly, get no activity at all and eat other horrendous foods.

  5. you have 5 min before you blow to an enormous size .....they are going to need a crane to get you out of the house .WHAT DID YOU DO ?

    I hope you re kidding ! nothing is going to happen

  6. you will die a slow painful death over the next five years


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