
I ate a whole large bacon pizza, I walked about 10 miles today, How much more do I need to do to burn it off?

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lol I'm going to start running 3 miles a day during the week(m-f), is that good enough for about 3-4 pounds of weight loss a week?




  1. No way to answer this because we don't know how many calories were in your pizza, and we also don't know your body type/metabolism habits to tell you how much you need to do to work it off.

    Just stick to your running schedule and don't eat a whole pizza next time!

  2. Greetings it is commonly acknowledged that diets never work permanently. I say that you click its a superb site with tons of free tips and tricks. I lost 5 pounds in seven weeks by following their tips  



    If you are serious about losing weight, start training in mma. (mixed martial arts)

    its a group of martial arts including brazilian jiu jitsu, boxing, and muay thai. its an INTENSE workout that gets ur sweat glands pumpin and ur fat deposits burnin.

    I've lost 40 pounds over a period of 6 months of serious training. and im

    very lean and cut as well. Along with that, you can start taking a daily multi vitamin after breakfast and dinner. all this doesnt work in the first 1-2 weeks but after that, the fat starts burning off.

    and dont worry about the pizza. if thats the only thing you ate, you

    wont gain that much. if you eat less than the neccassary calorie intake

    you will lose wieght but if you eat too much calories a day you will gain weight.

    but its ok...tommorows a new day.

    find a sport or gym that will keepp you dedicated and consistant

    and after a week or two, you will start shedding pounds.

    also go check out some fatburner supplements.

    im currently trying universal animal cuts and surprised

    to say its actually working. I was skeptical at first but

    its working.


    its a fitness person's haven for knowledge of fitness and health.

    im addicted to that site and you can learn so much as far as

    weight loss, and muscle gain, and nutrition goes.

    So good luck with that :)

  4. ummmm put it this way 3500 calories is to one pound of fat

    so you do the math for how many calories you need to burn for your goal

    now get realistic and look at an average of how much a 800 meter run takes in calories around 300 calories at the most

    5 times a week

    1500 calories you burn in comparison to 4x3500 calories required to lose 3-4 pounds

    you need to spread exercise over a long period of time

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