
I ate before 30 mins after i got my teeth filled.?

by  |  earlier

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i got a filling this morning and i ate about 45 mins after my filling. the dentist said to wait an hour. and now i have a taste in my mouth, like sesame seads. is this alright?




  1. Waiting has to do with anestesia and nausea.  The taste in your mouth is either normal or you just paranoid, it'll be just dandy.

  2. you'll be fine...just give till the end of the day to go back to normal...dentists cant put anything in your mouth permanently that will kill you so dont worry about it

  3. dont listen to that r****d ^^ no u'll be fine. i always eat after a filling. (:

  4. Urr u really sudda waited a bit longer, it might not have set.

    Just wait and see what happens


  5. yup, that's not reli a big deal, no worries too much , i will be fine  

  6. Just call a dentist and ask.

    But I'm sure your fine.

  7. I'm sorry. You are going to die.

  8. it has to be fine. They just tell u that like on medicine you could actually take 4 pills instead of 3 but they dont want to get sued

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