
I ate wayy to much sweets today, and i feel like throwing up :,[

by  |  earlier

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it sucks i feel like sh*t now!

I was with my friends what go to a different school all day [we dont see each other alot] and we made cookies and ordered chocholate dunks and pizza from pizza hut and we made chocolate covered peanut butter cookie squares and just i feel like c**p and when i can't lie still so like i cant go to sleep :,[

i am really stressed and annoyed cuz my dad and his girlfriend left me and my friends to babysit HER 2&3 year olds ALL day and they just got home and they are drunk and they went to bed and her kids are still up and they arent gunna want to go to bed now :,[ i am screweed help please!!

i have nothing to do either i just took a shower and straightened my hair please help




  1. ahh

    i know what thats like.

    i would sit down on the couch with the kids

    and watch tree house ( or whatever channel they watch)

    or read them some books.

    eventually you 3 WILL fall asleep

    so dont worry and sweet dreams

    xoxo purple polkadots xoxox

  2. You've eaten enough sugar and starch for an entire Army!  :-)  You can't sleep because of the sugar high and your body is trying to digest all of the food you've given it ~ that can keep you awake and feeling irritated.  Try talking a short walk or just sit and read a book.  Something calming.  Put the kids to bed and spend some quiet time alone.  

  3. drink water.

    it absorbs the sugar thats hurting your stomach

    good luck with it all!

  4. uhmmm what kind of answer do you want from this question it seems that your dad and his girlfriend are very irresponsible for your bordom why dont you put a movie in and watch it with her kids......

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