
I attended an interview and..

by  |  earlier

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the company contacted my current employer without my knowledge for a reference - now I have to face my employer - what can I do if they pay me off - Ive only been there a few weeks!




  1. I agree with your concerns. It's a longtime ago but the offers used to be subject to references. You accepted the job and your references were checked. It seems to have changed with the Child Protection and and everyone is scared of Their own  shadow. The fact that you have been for an interview does not mean you will accept the job and the fact these days that they take up references dos not mean that they will offer you the job.    

    The damage in these things is in not what is said but what is not said  

  2. If you put them down ofcourse they will contact them!

  3. It is unprofessional for a potential employer to contact your current employer without your permission and is possibly grounds for a lawsuit as it can impact your current position. I would contact the potential employer and ask for an explanation for why they did this. As for your current employer, it's hard to predict how they will handle this.

    Seek advice from lawyer.

    -- Liam

  4. File for unemployment based on discrimination if they lay you off. Unless you are a union worker which is less and less common today, you are an "at will" employee which means that the company can fire you at anytime and you can leave at anytime without repercussions.

  5. They can't dismiss you without good reason. The fact you have been for an interview is not a good reason (unless you lied to get time off)

    Don't worry about it, people are moving jobs all the time and your boss will understand that.

  6. did you write down your current employer as a reference, becuase if u did then there gonna contact them,  

  7. don't worry its a good sign maybe they will offer you the job good luck you are lucky i am trying to find a new job and no success as i hate my current one  

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