
I babysat recently for a friend and I accidentally...?

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dropped the baby on her head. I was sitting on the couch so it was only a two foot fall. She didn't cry, but I noticed her nap was longer than my friend told me it usually is. I didn't say anything to my friend, so is there anything I need to be worried about? Should I confess to my friend?




  1. Wow scary!  That's a tough call.  The long nap doesn't necessarily mean anything as my daughter used to take naps that were lengthy occasionally.  Was there a bump or anything on her head?  The fact that she didn't cry probably means it wasn't serious.  Babies are fairly resilient and it's unlikely she was hurt very badly by a two foot drop from the couch.  My daughter fell of the couch at a few months old onto the carpet and was perfectly fine, she didn't cry either.  More than likely she's fine.  Just to ease your own mind, why don't you give your friend a call and say something like "hey, I forgot to tell you that the baby rolled off the couch today but she didn't cry or anything....I just wanted to check to make sure she's still ok"  

  2. You should tell this friend so that they will know in case something does happen.  But usually, if nothing serious has happened by now, then you should be strait then.

  3. yes for the health of the baby

  4. definately tell the parents... the friend, not so important... the parents will know what exactly to do... a 2 foot fall is a lot for a baby

  5. Assuming this happened today...

    I wouldn't worry too much, but I would CALMLY tell the parents when they get home so that they can keep an eye on the child.

    Just say, "By the way, I'm sure it's nothing, but you ought to know that the baby accidentally fell off the couch and bumped her head.  She didn't even cry, so it must not have hurt too much, but you might want to keep an eye on her just in case."

    Stuff like this happens all the time, and most of the time everything is fine.  However, it is possible she could be seriously injured, and the parents should be aware of what happened so they can look for signs of injury.

    If, on the other hand, it happened like a week ago or something and you're feeling guilty... if she hasn't shown any ill effects by now she's probably fine, don't worry about it.  If she is injured and the parents don't know how it happened and you do, you should fess up.

  6. Speak up!! There could be long term problems.

  7. it reminds me when i went to get tho phone cause it was ringing and i hit the babies head on the door lol.


  9. well i think you should confess to your friend.  but i dont'  think there is anything to worry about

  10. No im sure the baby is fine if it didn't even cry when you dropped it I mean if a baby was really hurt you would know it I accidentally hit my baby sister in the head with a metal baseball bat because she was standing behind me and i didnt know it and she was just fine so I wouldn't worry about it

  11. absoulutely!!!!! the baby could go into a coma!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Put it this way when someone asks the kid in 15 years if he was dropped on his head when he was a baby he can say YES!

  13. It all depends on the age of the baby as well. If she didnt cry then there should be no immediate danger. When babies are in pain they cry and cry and cry. Trust me you would know if something was wrong with the baby.The nap thing shouldnt worry you, might just be a coincidence. Babies never sleep the exact time all the time anyways. I would still let the parents know just incase a bump or something shows up in the long run. People on here overreact too much..dont worry if you dropped the baby. You are human and it happens. Just tell your friend's parents what happened and that your sorry. Its better admitting to it than having them find a mysterious bump on their childs head

  14. you should tell the parents because if anything does come up and the baby needs to go to the doctor it would look really bad on you when the doctor is able to say the baby was hit in the head some how.

  15. It depends how old the baby is. If its above like 1.5 then it should be fine because the thingy on the babies head probably grew in. plus its only 2 foot. not too much

  16. holy **** you better tell him and take it to the hospital because not to scare you it might have serious damage (not cause the nap thing) you never know

  17. did she wake up, if your conscience tells you to, tell the parents and call 911

  18. Your friend my get upset, but in the long run they will know that it was an accident and it is best they know. Tell them right away!

  19. Don't ever babysit again.  It is a big responsibility and you are not able to do it.  How long ago was it?  Does she seem fine? You would open yourself up to a law suit or child abuse charges, but for the childs sake it is probably the right thing to do.

  20. yes tell her right away. the baby might be damaged. like brain wise. like my youngest baby fell numerous times off of high things. he loves to climb. there was a few times he cried. because he fell from a really high distance. i didnt think anything of it at the time. i would hold him and hug him and make him stop crying. i should of tok him to hospital now he has austism. i dont know if its my fault or not but u never know. please tell ur friend. honesty is the best policy. and its obvuios u car because ur asking if u should tell. if not it will haunt u and bother you. tell ur friend right now. text her.  

  21. yes be very worried

  22. uhh yea babys can die from being dropped

  23. HELLLO! YEA!   :\

  24. OMG call 911 WTF!

  25. Tell the mom!

  26. YES

    they baby could have a concussion and DIE

  27. no dont wory i am a doctor and i am sher the baby is fine  

  28. OMG! of course you should confide to your friend. if something should go wrong with the child later then your friend would know and it wouldnt be so bad. Lol. i hope the child is ok. good luck next time

  29. uh duh?!

    dude what the h**l you don't just drop a baby on its head and then not tell anybody about it!

    what if something is wrong with her neck or something.

    How are you going to explain that to her after an hour or so passes?

    It's understandable that you dropped the baby on accident, but I'm pretty sure the friend would be less angry if you told her right away. :/  

  30. YES you should tell your friend! Would you rather not say anything and have something go wrong because of what happened? Or would you rather confess and have the baby get checked out... that way if something is wrong... they can at least fix it? A 2 foot fall might not seem high, but to a baby's little head, that's a lot! I'd want it checked out. And if you find it hard to say YOU did it, you can at least change the story and say the baby bumped his/her head really hard when you weren't looking. Lying is better than not having the baby's head looked at.  

  31. Yes you should tell your friend there could be something wrong with the baby and if there is something wrong with it later on then it will be on your head for not telling what happend.

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