
I babysit 2, 7 and 9 year old girls what can i do to keep them occupied?

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I babysit 2, 7 and 9 year old girls what can i do to keep them occupied?




  1. I babysit a ton, and one of the fun things I like to do is bake something really easy.  You can take them out to the store if you can drive and pick out the ingredients for a pizza or make a batch of out-of-the box brownies.  It takes time, but is usually fun.  The kids love knowing they contributed, and if you make a dessert tell them to make a card or sign to give to Mom and Dad too.  The kids might make a little bit of a mess, but you can also teach them about cleaning up too.

  2. You want to have activities that are fun for all, and that you can keep and eye on them at the same time. Maybe go outside and have the two year old draw on the sidewalk with chalk, and the older girls can play hopskotch or something. Or, stay inside and take turns braiding the older girls' hair while the younger girl is colouring. Maybe watch some Spongebob or something. Build a fort, maybe? And please, please, please, please, make sure you clean up after yourselves. Parents will not be impressed otherwise.

    Also, make a chart and buy some small star stickers. Maybe, when all of them reach 10 stickers each, you'll rent a movie, or be able to go to the park, etc. Like, 5 stickers, a walk to the local park. 10 stickers, yo'll take them out for ice cream or something. 20 stickers, they get a spa day when you give them manicures or something.

    Have fun! :)

  3. Turn on some music and Dance!!!

    Just make sure it is clean music! I don't know of any lil girls that don't like to dance around. Have the older ones make up a dance to go with a song so that they can show off to mom and dad.

  4. The 9 year old girl might be more independent than the 7 and 2 year old. The 9 year old might want to be the "leader" - try having the 9 year old be "Simon" in a game of Simon Says.. Or, try for her to be the "Stoplight" in a game of stoplight.

    Since the 7 year old is so much bigger/faster than the 2 year old. . see if the 7 year old would be willing to crab walk on her hands (backwards)!  Try your hardest to involve everyone in one game, if not.. then puzzles are good and have age levels that could keep them separate.  

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