
I babysit a 2 yo boy. He bites and scratches. How do I get him to stop? Often this happens UN-provoked.?

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He used to hit. Putting him in time out and holding his hands worked. He now bites and scratches all the time. Today as with the past several days he has done it for NO reason. Time outs don't seem to be helping; if anything it has caused it to escalate. He takes naps sleeps till 9:30 am and back down at 1:30 pm. So he is up a total of 4 hours that I watch him. I have been watching his mom and him interact and have found that he does the same thing to her. He is non-verbal. My kids don't bite or scratch so I am at a loss. Please give me some advice. Thank you




  1. if he is non verbal then he needs some form of communication with adults. it is not neccessarily unprovoked but rather frustration for not being able to express himself. get some pictures of the things he may want and need and have him give them to you when he wants them even pictures of feelings so he can pick the one the best expresses his emotion at that time but keep the choices small as he is stll little. and i would start using some basic sign lang. such as more, food , drink, toys, play and potty. things like that and that should elliminate majority of his frustration, if it doesnt then he may need some evaluation.

    good luck

  2. If his mother allows him to bite and scratch then htere is nothing you can do.  If you can't deal with it quit babysitting and tell her why.  It is up to the child's parents to discipline him effectively not you.

  3. First, I'd talk to his mom about this. Second, I'd ask her to start disciplining him, and ask if she's comfy (if you are) with you disciplining him to stop (I know you said time-outs, but maybe he needs a pop in the mouth and on the hands.

    If she doesn't seem to comply with that, which it should be an agreement, then I wouldn't babysit. That is a "safety hazard" or threat. To you and your kids.

    He obviously knows he can get away with this. That's one of the reasons he's doing it.

    Talk it out with him through the whole process. When, after, even if you see it coming before. Talk to him like he's an older kid.

    Sorry I can't be of more help.

  4. Sometimes younger children bite and hit when they don't have the words to express their frustration or what they want.  When he bites, you can try redirecting his behavior by handing him something he CAN bite, like crackers or a teething ring.  Then tell him, "We don't put our teeth on people, but you can put your teeth on this".  Also to avoid his frustrated bites and hits, try giving him more options, instead of telling him only "no".  For example, "No you can't watch more cartoons, BUT I will read you a book before your nap."  By giving him a choice, he feels more in control and comforted.

  5. put him in time out or make him go to his room. it worked or my friends little sisters

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