
I babysit a very dificult child..any help?

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Ive been babysitting a very tough 4 year old who doesnt listen to anyone but his parents. He has an older sister whos like 7. He pulls his sister and MY hair, he punches, kicks, he bit me, and he scratches. And if he dosent get his way, or what he wants, he screams and throws a huge fit. I send him to time out alot, but he never gets anybetter. I dont know what to do.

Any Advice?




  1. I agree that he probably needs more activities.  If the behavior continues, I would tell the parents that you just can't watch the kids anymore because of his behavior.  I wouldn't put up with a 4 year old punching me and kicking me no matter how much I got paid.

  2. Tell his parents he's been doing terrible things to you and his sister. Bribe him with candy (EX: Any time he is being naughty, tell him you'll give him some candy before you leave if he behaves)

  3. try including him in what ever you are doing... play game with him and do activites that are safe for his age... if you include him and not try to demand things of him he will probaly like you alot more and not be soo mean... ask for his opinion when doing things.. let him help you make lunch and things like that.. it should really calm him down....

  4. Someone is not doing a good job at parenting or discipline with this child (meaning not u) This is not your fault at all you are the sitter not the parent. It takes a whole village to raise a child they say! Momma and daddy need to teach him better plus most important give him lot's of love and quality time, the bible says that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child  but the rod of correction drives that away...not meaning to beat the child of course (instruction ) is what I believe it may mean ,so they need to direct him in a better manner and "teach" him not to act a fool. I personally would say if it continues I would  refuse to watch him any cannot fix also problems he has steming from his own home either and some of it may be he is angry cause he has no parents I venture to say they get home feed him and he goes to bed perhaps and needs his God given parents and is lashing out in anger!! Most children "miss" their parents but we r too busy trying to make the all mighty dollor trying to keep up with the Joneses and impressing others and our children are being sacrificed to the God of $$$$$$$$$$. My daughter works in a day care and say's she goes through the same thing..most babies and children NEED momma and Daddy..where r they? HELLOOOOOOO!!!

  5. me and my cousin have been through this stage and you should just act like his parents and offer little distractions while the parents are away. try to keep  him busy and if it doesnt work then ask the parent for advice.

  6. ok u can start by trying to calmly talking to him and tell him to calm down. If that doesn't work then force him to sit down and watch t.v. or something. Then if he doesn't do that then take everything away from him and put him in a corner. DON'T HURT HIM THOUGH!!!!!! If it is a girl then be a little more gentle. Trust me i baby sit all the time. Especially bad kids. But if they are out of control and u know that their parents can really punish them. Threaten them by saying that u r going to call their parents. Don't really do it though just put the phone to ur ear and pretend like u r talking to their parents rite in front of them.

  7. it want hert him to scream it may seam alittle mean put him in time out or take something he likes for a little while

  8. I would inform his parents that you are no longer available to babysit because his behavior is out of line and sight examples to them like you gave here. Tell them that until they can get his behavior under control you will NOT babysit for either of their children.

    As for bribing with candy, that is not a good idea as it will only wind him up and then possibly make his actions worse.

    This is a kid who may be a good example that time out doesn't work for all kids and a good old fashioned spanking by the parents needs to happen to straighten his little smart aleky self out.  As a babysitter though, you're doing all you can do in the situation.

  9. I would talk to his parents and tell them because if you do they might talk to him and tell him to stop. If they talk to him and it does not stop..I would quit babysitting him and find another kid to babysit. I hope this helped.


  10. He's 4yrs old, and bored out of his brain, which is why he is being an absolute pain... Take them outside, or to a park, for a walk... Set up some activities to do, such as painting, drawing, crafts, read to him, and play games with him too... Depending on how long you babysit for, let him help you with snacks, like getting cups or plates, letting him put the food onto the plates, stuff like that...

  11. Do not get physical

    you need to make him listen to you with your voice

    yell with a loud deep voice while sternly looking

    him in his eyes with the maddest face you can

    and if he dose something bad then put him on time out

    if he dose not want time out tell him he gets no Tv no fun no snacks and pay no attention till he listens

  12. but on somthing he likes to watch on televison or ask him what he wants.....that would shut him up

  13. just put on talking dog movies and don't feed him sugar.

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