
I banged my head on hard tiled floor?

by  |  earlier

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okey this was like 3 weeks or so ago now

i collapsed in my bathroom and slammed my head on the hard tiled floor

i passed out for what i presumed was only a few seconds but could of been longer

since then my eyesight seems a bit off balance

and i have a vein that sticks out on that side of my head.

plus sometimes when i chew food that part of my head feels wierd :S

should i be worried?




  1. You may have a need to see a doc. ASAP could have brused your brain and may lead to a clot or anyourism.

  2. You should have got someone to take you when it happened.PLEASE go ASAP because you sound concussed.Treat even small head knocks seriously.

  3. You probably had a concussion. U should go to the hospital so they can run some scans and make sure everything is okay. Something similar happened to me. When i was in college i was sleeping on the top bunk. Woke up the next morning on the floor in a pool of blood. Cme to find out i fell off the top bunk slammed my head on a dresser corner and got knocked out. I was throwing up that whole day and finally the NEXT day i went to the hospital. They told me i had a cerebral contusion. which was a bruise on my brain from smaking off my skull when i fell. Then I lost sight in my left eye and it was hard to see and all blurry for a couple weeks. After going to an ear doc. they told me my optic nerve hit off the bones in my face and was bruised and thats why my eyes were messed up. SO with all that said i would go and get checked out just so u have peace of mind. Good luck.  

  4. YES!

    My grandmother fell and hit her head on a floor w/ carpet.  Three days later she was rushed to hospital and we found out she had an 11 mm brain bleed.

    You need to go to a doctor or ER asap!

  5. OUCH! That sounds really bad!

    If you've been sick, then you should really visit A&E, because that is one of the signs to look out for when you bang your head (trust me I've watched it on real medical programmes).


  6. Yeah. Did you vomit upon 24hours when you knocked your head? If yes, there is concussion and you will have to go to the hospital ASAP.

  7. Take a trip to A & E, they will put your mind at rest.

    Good luck

  8. :P

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