
I banged my head on the ceiling?

by  |  earlier

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I am in college, and i got up on my bunk bed, and then jumped, and i hit my head extremely hard. I thought i might have broken my skull, and i think i am paranoid, cause my Head hurt forever, and i have a headache now, I put ice on it, but i feel insecure, cause i am positive i might have damaged my brain from the incident. I feel like my head is going to explode? Do you think it's a crack in teh skull, or the brain bleeding inside..i am so scared.




  1. It takes alot of force to fracture your skull. I seriously doubt hitting your head the way you did would do that kind of damage. If you're that worried about it go see your family Dr.

    3 years ago my 24 y.o. daughter was ejected from a car when it rolled on the highway. She went out the car window at 50 mph, and ended up unconscious in the ditch.She had severe fractures to her skull, a broken neck, a bleed in her brain, a CSF leak. She had severe vomitting, dizziness, deafness in one ear, and a ton of other problems. She is perfectly fine now.

  2. be careful

  3. I think you're stupid.

    Why are you here asking this type of question in the internet?

    You should be at the ER.

    I hope you become a vegetable!

  4. Go get it checked out. Sounds like a concussion.  

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