
I became a vegetarian but my parents have a problem with that?

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I'm fifteen and i've been a vegetarian for the last three weeks. So far its going pretty good,to be honest i barely feel any change. I still feel the same,if not even better.I stopped being sleepy,i feel light and rather fresh. In the past ever since i could remember i was never a big fan of meat,in fact if i felt the smell it always made me gag(no offence).I also didnt like fish especially salmon. I always get shivers when i see the people chopping meat into tiny pieces,its like they are chopping me or something,i just cant stand it. Anyway,i've tolled my mum about my decision two days ago and she started going on about that i filled my head with nonsense.That meat is very important,that i need it growing up and that vegetarians don't have healthy children.She said i'm being ridicules.I mean,come on,its not like i'm getting a tattoo or anything. My dad will be arriving in two days and i have a feeling he wont care,but she will make him care and be against it too.Any advice please?




  1. Tell her it's your dissuasion not hers and she can't force you to eat meet. If you don't like it don't eat it.

  2. Vegetarians are fail. Your parents should talk some sense into you.

  3. Your mum is only concerned that you won't stay healthy. If you can show her what you eat, and say you substitute meat for things like beans, or soya, or lentils, she will be fine. Keep up your veg and fruit intake, and you will be ok. You get iron and B vits from other things. You are old enough to make this decision, but like I say, if you can reassure your mum, she will be fine. :)

  4. No real advice here from me. I would just like to say congratz. It is not a easy diet and you will live just fine with out meat. Just make sure you get all the good stuff the body needs. Just make sure to eat some whole grains, veges, fruits, nuts beans and so on. No I am no vegetarian but you don't have to eat meat to get all the body needs. Most only meat I eat is fish and the rest is no meat!

    Good luck with your mom. I would just get some info off line and show her it is OK. Docs tell people all the time to stop or cut back on red meat due to peoples health problems. I don't think I have ever known of a doctor that said you need to stop eating veges!

    Again good luck and take care!

  5. jst explain 2 them y u wanna do it. nd dnt let them stop u into making ur own decison.

  6. My best friend is a vegetarian. He feel the same way! But 2 get the protein he needs he eats alot of nuts...I!

  7. Hi!

    I strongly admire you for taking control of your life and and remembering it's YOUR life. Explain to your parents that your life change is making you feel better. Also explain that you can your protein from other sources, which is the main substance in meat that is most nutritional.

    Nuts and seeds are going to be your best friend, but it'll be worth it!

    Good luck!!!

  8. well i have been a vegetarian for 6 years and i am perfectly healthy. if your mom is worried about you not getting what you need from meat than take iron pills and drink protein shakes (thats what i do). besides, you control what you put in your mouth not your parents.

    have a good day.


  9. Its a very common problem and it will take them time to understand that this is who you are and that your not going through a fad if you show them how commited you are too it just give them facts on it and show them it is healthy and your doing actual good to your body not harm

  10. hey there.... same thing happened here with my sis.... she suddenly turned veg and my dad kept on criticizing her so badly that she just didn't want to eat with us.... he will usually indirectly hurt her..... anyway, if you want to be a veg then be 1... no one can stop you seriously!..... in the end your mom should stop criticizing you too and you know what you can do to stop her from saying that vegetarians are unhealthy by showing her sports ppl who are athletic... seriously or ask her this question.... ain't elephants, horses and hippos massive animals, aren't they strong... but they are herbivores... or why don't you ask help from your teachers or veg ppl who can help you come up with a slide show to show your mom to convince her.. try it and it might work out.. i hope this helps

  11. you need meat in your diet,it has special protiens are bodies need. i was a vegetairian and i got really sick because i didnt get enough protien

  12. I'm 13 and a vegetarian. My parents aren't reallyagainst it, they just don't care. They treat me like I'm still an omnivore. ' okay were having steak tonight ' or ' Dad's getting hamburgers '. I just make a vegan burger in the microwave, or cook meatless Chicken nuggets and eat with them.

    At the grocery store my parents will buy me pizza rolls, hot dogs, and other meats thinking im going to eat them. When I refuse, they say ' Oh yeah your trying to be a vegetarian '.

    My mom will ask my aunt ' Did jamie ( my 14 year old cousin ) ever go through a vegetarian stage? ' like I'm going through a normal kid stage and will snap back into reality later in life

    ive been a vegetarian for about 3 months, my parents think I'm on day 2 because they never pay attention.

    You may have to do it all alone without any support.

    Actually, vegetarians have heaither children because they eat a bunch of protein and vitamins. Tell your parents to do a little research beforeshe throws yourrude comments at you. I hate how omviores think that they know everything about vegetarianism and that its stupid. My friend once told me that vegetarians actually hut they enviorment because we eat all the plants so it lowersthe oxygen level. And that cows should be the ones who die instead of us ( we wont die if we dont eat meat!!! We can live on vegetables/fruits/etc).

    There are alot of advantages of being a vegetarian, so don't let your mom's comments make you give in and go back to eating meat.

    good luck:)

  13. I don't think your parents should have any problem with that,lots of people are getting Vegetarians,and specially when you are feeling better why not.Good luck.

  14. I have been a vegetarian since 6th grade, and I can tell you it's the best thing I've done. If your mother is worried about nutrition etc, tell her that a vegetarian lifestyle is actually healthier then a red-meat diet. Tell her that with all these meat scares- the mad cow and stuff etc. that you are potentially lowering your risk of getting diseases such as that. There are so many products out there today that you can eat healthy. The boca and garden fresh products have a HUGE selection of foods, and as long as you have sufficient iron and protein- you're going to look better, and feel better. If not, reassure her that you thought this over by saying, "mom, I know you're worried that I may not recieve the proper nutrients from a vegetarian diet, but to insure that I do, I will take a daily supplement" Good luck, email if you need more help!

  15. I am 11 and I have been a vegetarian basically  my whole life. I have never been a big fan of meat either . That is why I am a vegetarian , also because I LOVE animals . I have matured since I have been a veg.  You have to stick to it or your parents won't trust you. The one thing about being a vegetarian  is , if your parents are mad , make your OWN dinners so your parents won't go crazy making 15 different meals:)  Here are the negative things about being a veg.

    When I was sitting with a group of friends , someone came up to me trying to make me scared of the mystery meat they were serving . So they rubbed it all in my face and hair.

    Here is another tip, Don't tell anyone except   your closest friends that you are a veg.

    Another thing that might help is taking a few cooking classes .

    I hope this helps!!!

  16. I don't think there are many Vegetarians that didn't get that sort of treatment when they stopped eating animals. People usually fear change, but don't let their resistance make you angry. Stay calm, be reasonable in explaining your position, and offer to help cook meals.

    If you are gracious and kind about your choices, others will be more likely to accept them- just don't demand special treatment, don't prepare a full second meal. Make some of the normal meal vegetarian for you, and let them eat theirs- and if you can pull it off in relative peace, they won't have much to complain about.

  17. try to explain to her about how you are going to get protein. (your responsibility will look good too.)

  18. kudos to you,

    just make sure you get all your supplement of nutrient mainly protein and calcium

    eat/drink soy bean and peas

  19. OK, This is something hard your parents have to cope with, I mean meat is good for you but I hate the way it's made. Tal ot your parents and tell them you've taught this through. Which, I hope you have. Tell her it's your life, which it is and that you're fifteen now and can make your own desicions. Tell her you are disapointed, and that she let you down and that you are entitled to your say. I really hope that helps, but if not ask again!

  20. If being a vegatarian is what you've decided to do, then stick to it. Especially if its something you really believe in.  I do believe when you've made a choice on how to eat (or any choice) you should stick to it. Its your body, its your life and your choice..Not everyone is going to agree with what you do in life, but you have to live your ife according to the way you want to..not to everyone elses standards. Your parents choose to eat meat and live their lives the way they want and you should let them as they should to you.

  21. A difficult and emotional question.

    if we look logically at the food sources we find that vegans (no meat eating at all including fish) have problems with health issues over time.

    meat eating people seem to have cancer issues when having too rich a meat diet ( stomach etc).

    overall I think nature intended us to have some of all. Is it that you are at an age where you are finding  you want to make your own decisions and come into conflict with parents?  or is it also a genuine feeling that you dislike meat?

    Meat can come in many forms. Chicken for example. I understand your parents worrying about you and can see why they want you to eat some meat.

    Overall it is reliably noted that without exception over time all civilizations that have been meat eaters have fared better in economics, health and life span  rather than no meat eating societies.

      There i no need for us to consume as much meat as most folk think. A small quantity gives us the  fibre. nutrients etc we need. I wont go into a lengthy diatribe of benefits etc but it is your body and as long as you are aware of reducing its intake of nourishment then that's OK I guess. hope you and family get along better  soon.

  22. They probably feel it's a phase and you won't stick with it. If it's what you want to do stand by your decision and they'll come to accept it over time.

    In the meantime do some research showing that a vegetarian diet is healthy and won't harm you. Show her what you found.

  23. You said "my mum". You're English , right? I love England. So, I think being a vegetarian is good. Just remember to take a multiple vitamin. Especially B-12, because some vitamins can only be gotten from meats or fish. Good luck.

  24. it's not your fault if you don't want to eat meat

  25. Tell her you don't want to feed on the decomposing flesh of animal corpses. Make your descriptions gross enough and maybe she'll turn vegetarian too

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