
I been drinking this whole week!?

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i been drinking alcohol everyday for 4 days so far could this be really bad?




  1. naw i drank the whole year of 06.... it gets bad when u drink as much as my friend where he can't even drink one drink without getting his sides swollen the next day

    my friend's case being at least a year or 2 everyday

    yea you'll get over it.. it's jus a phase you're going through... JUS DON'T DO NETHING STUPID AND GET INTO TROUBLE CUZ ALCOHOL>TROUBLE

  2. You muthafukin rebel

  3. Depends upon the quantity of consumption !!!

  4. Why get drunk? Is there a saddness to escape, or do you just like to be out of control (of feelings)?

    This isn't the safest thing for a person, especially a girl, and the effects on the liver are just the half of it.

    Guys aren't very trustworthy, either.

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