
I been told that i have to be induced at 30 week

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i got to have my baby at 30 weeks cos of my health ( i culd die if i dont have my baby) how poorly is she going to be?




  1. My daughter was born at 29 weeks weighing 2 lbs...and she spent 9 weeks in nicu..she had a rough start being on oxygen and lots of IVS but after her nicu stay she seems normal..I don't see any prolonged damage done to her..shes 7 months old now..she has 3 teeth..shes crawling..and sitting up by neice thats 9 months old isn't even crawling and she was 8 days depends on the child..some it causes problems and others it may 30 weeks I am sure it will be okay..your daughter will have to spend probably atleast 6 weeks in nicu and should be fine..My daughter just turned 7 months on the 25th and she weighs just under 13 lbs..

  2. Science is wonderful and what they can do for your baby is amazing. They will probably give you a series of steroid shots for the lungs of your baby. And what doctors can do now is great. I would not worry too much, that will just make things worse. Your doctor will know what is right and will not put your baby's life in danger.

  3. baby will be very small probably have many complications due to immature lungs and liver. I would tell the doctor to hold out as long as you can 30 weeks is way to early your baby will be in the hospital a long time. there is chance of survival tho. really try to hold out past 30 weeks get a second oppinion if you have to.

  4. i read your question,i cant answer as i dont know,but i really wanted to say,i really hope your baby and you are fine!I have a feeling you will both be fine and i wanted to say your being really brave having this baby,i dont know if i would be brave enough.

    x*x good luck x*x

  5. Making it past 28 weeks helps everything dramatically.  You'll probably be fine since it seems semi planned and not an emergency situation.  Good luck

  6. Here's an article from CNN about premature births.  You will probably get a series of shots prior to induction to speed the maturation of your baby's lungs in preparation for an early birth.  Your baby will be taken to a NICU unit where she will be evaluated and treated for any problems.  While 30 weeks is not an ideal gestational period technology today gives her an excellent chance of having few to no long term health problems.

  7. at 30 weeks, if there is no problem with your baby apart from being early then she should not be too poorly, just a little on the small side.

    babies survive at 23+ nowadays, so apart from incubation for up to a few weeks , a little oxygen till she learns to breath on her own (which might happen very quickly), then she will be fine.

    congratulations, god bless you, and good luck xx

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