
I beg you help me?? please?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so my size is usually from 0-2 and this summer ive lost a couple of pounds, but for the past 2 days i ate like a cow and it looks like ive gained those couple of pounds back :( I have 13 days until school starts , and i would like to lose 4 pounds which sounds realistic to me. People in my school judge you from your weight and how you look. I always wanted to change, but its the only thing we can offord, so i need to be back to my weight. I've only been acting lazy and fat for 2 days! And my body is normal and toned. i just want someoone to tell me what i can do to lose 4 pounds for the next 13 days and be back to myself. BTW I exercise like a maniac. I have an elliptical trainer, and walk ,and dance :) s ojust tell me what and how much should i eat to reach my goal

thank you!




  1. Don't worry, you didn't gain 2 lbs(of fat) in 2 days. You would have to eat 8000 calorie over and above your daily maintenance level to do that. If you ate a bunch of salty foods, you could have easily gained that in water retention. Avoid salty foods, eat wholesome foods and continue to exercise like a maniac and you will easily lose the weight (mostly water). I can't tell you how much to eat, because there are many variables, body weight, amount of exercise, metabolism... Stick to healthy, non processed foods and it is near impossible to over eat,especially with your vigorous exercise program.

  2. go  wheat  free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7

    p.m.  People  achieve  marvellous  results  with it. Depending on your

    initial  weight,  you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don't eat  wheat  then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you don't  eat  junk  food,  and  you don't eat biscuits. But your diet is

    still  balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or to buy special meals or plans.

  3. Dont rush babe..keep it simple..

  4. ok four pounds in 13 days is realistic, but you'll have to work hard. try eating healthy, i know you've heard that before, but eat no chips, candy, ect. try turkey sandwich for lunch, with some any kind of chips (chips are allowed for lunch) breakefast try eggbeaters and orange juice and some fruit. dinner have whatever you want. and remember no snacks. this may be hard but someone i know tryed it and lost like 5 lbs in a week!!! Also if you can dont have lunch, just have some peaches, but my friend who did it still had lunch. but remember if you do have chips or whatever for lunch, rememberm no seconds, and just about a handfull and a half.

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