
I began power-walking (high-knee, marching-band style) a month 1/2 ago. Any natural remedies 4 hip/knee pain?

by Guest67280  |  earlier

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I began power-walking (high-knee, marching-band style) a month 1/2 ago. Any natural remedies 4 hip/knee pain?




  1. Sounds like you are overdoing it...and the type of power walking you describe is hard on the joints, especially if you just started up from doing nothing.

    Back off on the intensity and frequency. Make sure you do a proper warmup/stretch before exercising as well as a cool down after.

  2. Sounds like you are really stressing your joints.  Here is a wonderful supplement that will give you some relief.  It is called Join Support and is a Herbalife product.  I take it regularly as otherwise I would not be able to do my kickboxing class.  Contact me at for more information

  3. Read

  4. Willow bark is a natural pain reliever, but to help prevent pain, check out Nordic walking- It burns tons of calories, exercises the whole body, but is easy on the joints!

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