
I believe De ja vu is related to being able to see (briefly) alternate time paths paralell to ours...?

by Guest60731  |  earlier

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  1. well it could be true.

    there are many many theories on this particular subject.

    some say that we have lived this life before, and we are remembering what happened to us before it happens to us in this life.

    other's say you could have dreamed it, making you phsycic?

    i had de ja vu once, it was very creepy.

    here's a link to wikipedia.

    I found it interesting, hope it helps!éjà_vu

  2. De ja vu happens to me like all the time. I always feel like iv seen it in a dream. when i first heard of Hannah Montana, i thought that it was an old show from when i was a toddler because i felt like ive seen the exact same Logo and wig

  3. The latest idea is that, because the two halves of the brain work separately, one half sees an event first.  When the other half of the brain sees the same event a split second later, the brain as a whole interprets this as deja vu.

  4. I think it's our sub-concious mind calculating what's gonna happen without us realizing it

  5. I agree with all;)  All "probabilities are valid. Thumbs up all around :)

  6. It`s your seven sense telling you that you already did it before.I get it every week at least twice. It`s like you lived this life before and you were sent back in time to be reborn and do it over because the first time you faile really bad. And this is your punishment.

  7. I think deja vu is just a recurring coincidence.

  8. Something like that.. everything is happening at once. We just only experience it linearly. Every once in a while we get a glimpse of more than one part of that line.

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