
I believe Hispanic people are the last tribes of Israel?

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Some of the people that left with Moses from Egypt went to Greece and subsequently moved to Rome. The bible mentions the tribe of "Perez" as one of the lost tribes. Not that all hispanics are Perez but that is very interesting. As a proud hispanic, I am going to celebrate all the Jewish holidays as well as the Christian ones. Ben Stein even mentioned that Jews and Christians are brothers in the eyes of God. So why don't Jews and Hispanics learn from one another instead of critizing each other. We have alot more in common than people know. Your opinions please.




  1. "Correction. Their names were Pharez and Zarah, therefore your hypothesis is debunked. Nothing Hispanic about it. I suggest you read the Bible. "

    The Modern Language Bible The New Berkely Version in modern Enlgish it is Perez. I guess you read one version there are many in case you didn't know it. Many Hispanics are of Jewish descent whether you like it or not. And God who is the Keepr of his word the preserver of it has it spelled Perez in one of the versions. Pharez is another spelling but it is the same name.

    Also the one who said Perez is a tribe is way off. Perez is not a tribe of Israel, Judah is the father of Perez. Judah is the tribe the tribe where came Jesus.

    I am a student of the Bible for fifty years so I know of what I speak when I say anything about the word of God. History agrees with the Bible.


  2. Hi, I find it interesting that I am not the only person that believe that the last ser name perez is of Hebrew heritage. The are one of G~ds first tribes that will line up in front of the other tribes when wondering in the desert. It is believed that they were the very first tribe to cross the parted sea when leaving Egypt. But the name goes back all the way to the tribe coming from spain due to the persecution from the king and queen of spain and from the moores. Was the clan spread across the nations? Yes. I do believe that many ended up in mexico only to have to give up their heritage and become catholics if they wished to leave in a dominated catholic nation such as mexico. It is interesting to find out that my husband knows in the deepest parts of his heart he is jewish, but in order to live in mexico he had to deny his assisstance as being a Hebrew first. Little did I realize that my christian name that my father gave me also has a jewish background (King).

  3. Anyone with a scant knowledge of the Jews and Israel knows that many Hispanics are Jews.

    Perez is a Hispanic name it is nota coincidence it is an Hispanic name. It is a Jewish name as in Shimon Peres. So is Baca another Bible name it is Hispanic and so is Rael a Hispanic name. Rael are the last four letters of Israel.

    Hispanics look like they came from the Middle East and even if some do have other blood as do so many Jews many are still Jewish.

    Jews look like their host country people. If you are from Germany you resemble them because of the mixing. Same goes for them all.

    I think sometimes some people just are racist and cannot think of Jews looking anything but white.

    Get over yourself because God said he would scatter the Jews AMONG the nations so this means all nations, every nation on the planet have Jews among their populace who look alot like their host nation.




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