
I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose again...that's I done?

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I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose again...that's I done?




  1. Faith with out works is dead

  2. If you were still living in the OT and did this for the forgiveness of your sins, God would have consumed you with fire in anger!

    There was two important things a sinner needed to do before he could be done in the atonement for sins...not one!!!

    These two things were the following: First he had to bring an unblemished animal. Lay his hands on its head in front of the high priest, confessing his sins over it, thereby transfering his sins onto it, then only could he kill it and draw its blood and give it to the priest.

    And in the NT there are also two things that sinners need to do in order to be forgiven all their sins...and not 'one' as so many blasphemers are doing today by believing only in the blood!

    These two things are the same two things that was set by God originally. There were Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist where all our sins were laid upon Him when John, like all high priests before him laid his hands onto Jesus head as our unblemished sacrificial Lamb of God ad tranfered all the sins of the world upon Jesus (Matt 3:15).

    Then only could our sacrificial Lamb walk to the Cross and pay for our sins with His blood. So we see two things here also.

    So the BIG Q. Where and on whom have you laid your sins on by the laying on of hands as commanded by God????

    This is why the churches are filled up with sinners today, for they have rejected this one important step, and have just gone with the other part of the atonement 'the blood'....leaving them in a state of blasheming God and telling Him that He is a liar. This is why they have to continually say there prayers of repentance, trying on own steam to get rid of their sins (John 10:1)

  3. not saved  yet.  you need to ask Jesus to come  into your life (I heart)  and be willing to serve him  in all you do.  prayer and reading the bible  is a good start

  4.'re done? That's rather flippant, isn't it? I'm impressed by your ummm sincerity.

    You are certainly not done!

    The way you ask the question, your attitude ~ you are the exact type of disciple Jesus loves.

    Some day, definitely not today, when He touches you we'll see what can be DONE about you. Until then...enjoy, while, you still can!


  5. Now you need to lead the best life you can, try to be a good person, and find your own spiritual path to enlightenment and growth.

  6. That's great!  It is always important to remember to do those things to keep that feeling alive in you.  There are a lot of ex-christians out there.  Have you ever wondered how they ended up that way.  You can never go wrong by spending some time in your bible.

  7. Rom. 10:9, 10 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

    If you've done that then you're done as far as salvation is concerned.

    Next step is the Journey. For now you have Christ in You, the Hope of Glory (Coll. 1:27) Check Ephesians 4 It starts out with  1 therefore,a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2with al humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, ...

  8. rose again like a zombie?

  9. Yes, you are done. Now go out to murder someone, then ask for forgiveness .... and guess what ..... you would be forgiven and go to heaven.

  10. No you are not done.

    Now go and get an education!

  11. well according to the says not to stop there...go out into all the world and preach the's the "great commission" given by god

  12. There's still the matter of repenting, believing in and confessing His divinity, and striving to walk with Him.

  13. Not yet. You must now bear the fruits of the tree you claim to be. Works may not save a Christian, but they do identify him/her.  

  14. No - you still have to prepare for your science test.

  15. Done like a dinner.

  16. Just remember, the devil believes in Jesus. Doesn't mean he follows him. You need to give everything to Jesus to be a Christian. Pretend he is a friend, so you can talk to him every night, tell him about your day, it sounds weird but it works.

    Hope I helped

    Good luck



  17. People tend to choose only a part of God's plan rather than the whole plan. Coming to Christ and obtaining reconciliation is the start. We must then "remain" or "abide" on the "vine" (who is Jesus) who without with we "can do nothing." we then proceed through a process of being "transformed by the renewing of (your) minds." This process is to continue and causes us to grow in "holiness, without which no one will see God.) God promises to "finish the work He began in us" to "conform us to the image of His Son." Ultimately We will be One in the Father and Son Just as Jesus prayed for in John the 17th chapter.

    That Oneness within Himself and us is God's ultimate goal.

  18. yes! you have been well done!

  19. Now start doing good, and keep doing it. Repent and don't look back.

  20. No, you still have to take responsibility,  responsibility for your actions especially.

  21. No- even demons and believe this.  Have you ACCEPTED Him as your Lord and savior?

    If so, then you will believe what He said is true.

  22. No.You need to be Baptised to erase the stain of original sin. All sins committed before Baptism are forgiven. Any future sins have to be forgiven through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

  23. No, now you have started. Act accordingly.

  24. Um, could you please ask a coherent and comprehendible question?

  25. Yes you are done .....for.

    You have closed your mind.

    You are living on imagination.

    Jesus himself said that many people will call his name but that is of no use because one needs to follow his teaching & not just say Jesus jesus. In another place he says that many people will say - we sand & danced for you but you did not listen.

    So Jesus himself was against the ritualistic lip service.  

  26. Fine by me. I'm atheist but support people that do believe. Just not the ones that think everyone has to believe like them. And most Christians are loving and all.  A small handful claiming they are Christians that simply seethe with hate.

  27. there was never a jesus , and wue never rose from no where.

    and how could you have sinned if you werent born yet!?

  28. good for go stand in line to donate your hard earned money to your church.

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