
I believe John McCain just got my vote.?

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Sarah Palin is an excellent choice.

What say you?




  1. It's an EXCITING ticket!  I'm so pumped up about it.  She went after corruption in her own party.  Awesome!  

  2. d**n STRAIGHT

    OMG PALIN IS SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hey Desiree, you w***e, f*ck you!

  4. Well, that should make him feel good but he lost just about all of Hillary's supporters including me.

  5. I think she's a good choice, and she'll be trained by one of the best men in the USA about war/Russia/Iraq/Iran/etc. That's just the thing, she will be trained by the greatest, so if anything does happen to McCain, she will be ready.

    McCain/Palin '08!

  6. I say he has always had my vote.

  7. No. He does not get my vote.

    But I think It was a great choice for him. Because he will get about 75 percent of the woman who voted for Hilary to voted for him now.

    I hate to say this, but McCain is going to Blow Obama out. Like 35% to 55% of something like that.  

  8. He just got my vote as well.

  9. she is very inexperienced and has only been governor for 2 years, and before that was a mayor. she isn't qualified to be VP. and the only reason McCain chose her is to get women votes but that is insulting to think women are so shallow as to drop their values just to vote to have a women VP. it just shows poor judgement on his part. If he died, would you really want Palin, with no experience, running our country?

  10. well if u like that she is a hockey mom and a rifle shooter and looks attractive then i see no problem.  

  11. I'll be voting for BOB BARR after this liberal politically correct stunt. I am sick and TIRED of that liberal rino backstabber McCain.

  12. Gov. Palin is an excellent choice because liberals are in a panic.

  13. McCain knew that Obama was  making history. McCain wanted to steal the spot light by choosing someone who would be the first woman Vice President. I think this is his also an  attempt to get Hillary supporters.  Politics is a dirty game.

  14. Yeah and McCain chose her since she has experience and is able to replace anyone corrupt, and doesnt back down

    do you want a 171 day experience pres

    do you want a two year experienced vp

  15. I say I don't like either of them, but McCain looks like the worse of the two.

  16. As a woman I can't find myself voting for her.

    anti-global warming - My children need to live in a better environment

    off-shore drilling

    sleeping with big oil

    anti-equal rights for all


    Pro-Iraq, Pro-Iran and Pro-Russia war imperialist warmonger

    using down syndrome baby


    sorry but a lot of hillary supporters just aren't buying it! The crowd also booed hillary so republicans don't give a c**p about hillary.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 08! Biden is the only one that fights for women's issues.

  17. Can't vote for a woman who is ANTI choice, hates g**s, and wants religion taught in schools.....all of those i am opposed of.  

  18. i think she could have been anyone.  considering the fact that they have wanted to drill oil in Alaska for years now---it happens to be a perfect little coincidence that the governor of Alaska got chosen.  She may or may not be qualified to be VP, but she didnt get chosen to be VP because of her political achievements.  McCain only needs her for the oil.    

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