
I believe a child is in a bad home...I am a bit afraid to turn them in help?

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I know of a three year old little girl that is in a possible danger environment. Her mother and boyfriend sell meth and they went to the cities on monday and brought their daughter with. I believe this should be reported yet I am too afraid to say anything....any advice?




  1. It is a hard situation, because by reporting the parents, the girl looses the people who influence her life. But think of it this way, its a bad influence!


  2. Call it in and report it.  The police or CPS will keep it confidential.

  3. Although this will come back to you all that will ahppen is you will lose one or two friends, this child could loose her life.

    Friendships heal overtime if this child gets hurt you will never be able to forgive yourself call cps and the police

    save this child before it is too late.

  4. This is a tough one and that's exactly why I want to become a CPS agent when I grow up.

    Report it. The little girl deserves to have a good life not saying she's in danger but if her parents are drug dealers that's a red flag that they don't treat her right...just a gut feeling. Call anominously. You wont regret it..

  5. Report it to the police and turn the mother & her b/f b/c selling illegal drugs is very bad if you have young children.

  6. You can call anonymously.  And, you don't have to give specifics so the people won't know that it was you.  I would really do something about that, drugs are a dangerous game.

  7. you know a baby is in danger but you dont wanna say anything? i feel real bad for that baby, since she cannot speak for herself..she needs YOU  to speak for her!

  8. I agree with the above two.  Child Protective Services will keep you confidential.  I understand the fear though.

    The other thought is if this child were to die or be permanently injured as a result of not reporting what you know, could you live with that?

  9. It is always hard to do the right thing when you are afraid of the outcome. But I think if you have hard proof of this you should get involved. I think this especially if you aren't putting yourself in danger. Because we need more caring adults to get involved with any kind of child abuse and/or neglect.

  10. they can't release your information to the girl's parents. You should at least ask that they do an investigation. You may be saving this girl's life.

  11. don't be affraid, u can make an anonymous call.

    Help the girl, or if anything happens to her, u will always regret it.

  12. I would report it immediately. I wouldn't think of the mother or her boyfriend. The only thing on my mind is that poor little girl and getting her into a better environment.

    Think of it like this.. Could you live with the guilt of not reporting this if down the road a drug deal goes bad and the little girl ends up shot or if the meth lab blows up and she dies or if she dies from a meth overdose, because meth labs have the drug in the air and people living or spending time in a meth lab have meth in their systems.

  13. well this is kind of a hard one but you could report them or something anonymously (sorry can't spell it) but that's only if you think her life could be in danger

  14. report it, the police and CPS have to keep you confidential.

  15. I don't know why your asking... report this before this child gets hurt in any way. This should not be something you should think about.

  16. You should tell the police, you can remain anonymous and you could possibly save her life! Don't be afraid to do the right thing.

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