
I believe a rehab center in the state of PA is responsible for my mothers death, do i have to use a PA lawyer?

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Im am currently staying in VA, can i talk to VA lawyer or do i have to go through a PA lawyer?

Anybody know?




  1. If you wanted to take them to a PA court, then yes, you'd need a PA lawyer.

    It's hard to say without knowing the particulars, but it seems unlikely that a VA court would have jurisdiction over this possible action, and thus likely that you'd need a PA lawyer.

    However, if it's possible to carry on the litigation in your home state, that's often preferable, so if you can arrange a consultation with a VA lawyer to determine if they'd be able to assist you, that might be a good idea...

  2. Rehab for what? Did you get a Death certificate? Was an autopsy performed? and if not - why not? Was she buried or cremated? If she was buried, she can be exhumed if you think something happened to her in the rehab center? Lots of questions - and yes, you will have to get a PA attorney, they know PA Laws, not saying the VA attorneys don't know, but every State is different!!

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