
I believe my 4 mth old kitten is constipated i am goin to try castor in an eye dropper cuz he wont eat or drin

by  |  earlier

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i took him to the emergency vet that robbed me blind and did nothing to make him feel better, the vet thinks it is feline distemper but the more research i do the more i believe that is not his problem he has no vomiting or diarrhea, fever or convulsions i just want to help the little guy feel better any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated




  1. The vet is not there to rob you (they go into the field of animal medicine to help the animals not rob patients owners), and you can make your cat worse by treating him yourself.  If you feel the vet was wrong, call another and explain the situation to the vet tech.  They may be able to help.  Has your cat had all it's shots?  It could just be the food you are feeding him. Increase his water intake slightly by giving him wet food, and make sure there is always fresh water available.  Give it a few more days, if it is not cleared up by then, call another vet - but please do not treat it yourself - it may cost you more in the end.

    If you have been giving your cat any pasteurized milk, that could be causing the problem.  Cats can not digest, nor successfully tolerate it and it can cause constipation, or the opposite - diarrhea.  Do not give your pets anything but pet food unless directed by a vet.

  2. take him to another vet it could be blockage of  something  If you want to try treating for constipation try giving him milk, put 1/3  teaspoon of petroleum jelly on his paw. give him a teaspoon of milk of magnesia . give him a e***a but first take to another vet to check out a blockage  

  3. what are his symptoms? as a blocked bladder can have the same signs but is a much more serious problem.also has he had all his vaccinations?

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