
I believe my apartment bulding was built over a cemetery...

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I moved into a beautful neighborhood to rent an apartment a couple of months ago since i've been hear i have expericed supernatural things about this place. when i lay into bed i see shadows and its just me and my boyfriend.. and he's sleeping! i think the neighborhood used too be a old cemetery except they took the headstones out and built apartments over it.. very disrespectful towards the diseased i think. once i was alone sitting in my computer room and i heard laughter from my closet.. i cannot move because i have a lease but once its up.. im moving away!! im affraid




  1. i would not even wait until the lease is up i would have gone long time ago.

  2. It takes a lot of legalese to move a cemetary. When Kraft Foods bought a big chunk of land from the Divine Word Seminary outside Chicago, they found there was a small 19th cemetary on the land. It would have cost millions to track down every living heir of every person buried there in order to get permission to relocate the graves. Instead, they built their new world headquarters around the cemetary and incorporated it into the landscape. There's a beautiful garden at the west end of the complex. If you look carefully, you can see all 9 gravestones. They take very good care of it. There have also never been any signs of haunting in the complex, so the spirits are friendly.

    So don't jump to conclusions about the graveyard being under your apartment building. It's unlikely. But you might have some loud neighbors and their voices might carry up some metal pipes. If you're really worried about this, then go buy a Bible and spend your time reading it when the laughter comes to you. Devote every room in the apartment to the grace of God and turn that closet into a prayer room. No evil spirit can defy the power of Jesus Christ. In fact, spit in the spirits' eyes by holding Bible studies in your home. You'll find out soon enough if it is really spiritual warfare or just a rickety old building.

  3. You live next to a train track that causes vibrations, there is a flight path over your house that causes vibration, you have a cat that tips stuff over especially at night when animals, even domesticated, nocturnally `hunt`, there are mice scurrying in the apt, there are trees outside the hallway window swaying in the wind which will cause shadows to fall in your bedroom when the branch is blown hard enough...etc..

    You have no basis for the apt.-bldg./cemetery theory other than you saw it on `poltergiest`.  Go find which of the above or similar causes is actually at issue here, before you make you self sick.

  4. Have you talked to any of the other tenants to see if they're having similar experiences?  

  5. One way to find the history of the land is to go to your county courthouse and ask how to find the history of this property. They will guide you in the right direction.  If you find out it was, you can go to court to break your lease, because this wasn't disclosed to you when you rented the property.

    As far as the activity you are experiencing, unless something happens where your life is in danger, TRY to get into another frame of mind. Instead of being scared become interested. Write about the experience, talk outloud to yourself saying everything's OK and stay calm.  By getting excited you could even bring some of these things on, like seeing more things.  The mind, in a fight or flight situation, can manifest more going on than is.  So trying to stay calm will help contain what is happening to just that and your mind won't add additional things or sights.  Easy for me to say, right?

    One thing though:  Make sure it's not somebody instead of something.  Check to make sure your doors and windows are locked. If you have an attic door in one of your ceilings, hang a string of bells from it.  You never know if someone else has a set of keys.

  6. This is really a question for the paranormal section.

    Did you put this question over there?

    Someone else may have had this experience and be able to help.

    Generally, if a cemetery is discovered during construction, the remains are moved to another cemetery, and the ground desanctified.

  7. Perhaps Mary Ann Winkowski could help you.  She sends ghosts into the white light.

  8. As Joyce B has already said I think this would be better asked in the Paranormal Phenomina forum, heres the link to the forum,;_ylt=An...

    I hope you find a solution as this must be really scary for you, good luck sweetheart, give the ppf a try.

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