
I believe pork to be the royalty of meat. Am I the only one?

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"I mean I try to limit myself to six servings per day, but I am only human"

--Homer Simpson




  1. u made me hungry... pork is nice,


    pork=hubba.hubba, hubbaaaaa

    pork=my fav

    muslim say 'no pork'= stupid


    muslim say yes to pork when they have no other things to eat.

    conclusion, pork pork pork.

  2. I love pork!  But then, I also love beef and chicken..........and fish and turkey

  3. I'm with you, yummy stuff...

  4. Bacon, Sausage, Pepperoni, Salami... Pork is THE feel-good taste-good meat.  I think it's royal ;o)!

  5. i agree. pork is king! let the muslims have their beliefs about pork, leaves more for the rest of us!

  6. Ask a Moslem!

  7. I enjoy it

  8. pork is really good chop bbq style

  9. I think it may depend on the way it is presenting, YOu often see the stuffed pig at medevil feasts ect.

  10. Pork is good!

  11. pork not my first choice. bacon is good though. i had some good lamb the other night but i have to go with a rare ribeye as my favorite.

  12. A good beef standing rib roast is definitely the King Of Meats, but pork is like the Queen Mother.  She may not be in charge of the country, but she can still send the King to his room if she wants.  From the finest roast, right down to barbecued pulled-pork from the leftovers, it's delicious.  Have you ever had this stuff called "pork floss" that's sold on the streets of Singapore and Malaysia?  It's shredded cooked pork, flattened into thin sheets, brushed with sweet and spicy sauce, and then barbecued to crispness over a charcoal grill.  Worth the trip!

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