
I believe pretty much every topic in that Zeitgeist film.........?

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what should I do? what can i do to take down these powerful people that are controlling us? should i try and start a movement? what can i do, iam confused




  1. start a movement, make sure it doesn't violate the constitution and recruit people who think likewise...

  2. There are lots of movements all over the world that think just like you, depends where you live, there is quite a few in the USA that have meetings, marches, etc, and there's a few starting up in England, and that's what we need 'to get organised'.  They are calling for a one day protest global stike for September 11th 2008.

  3. Start by hounding your congressman or woman to support HCR40, the bill to stop efforts to create a North American union.

    LOL. (which the last time I checked was sourced on that webskeptic site linked by another user here) still claims North American union is myth. If that is so then why does HCR40 exist and why are all these states formally opposing the efforts to create a North American union?  (see sources below for list).

    States opposing North American union

    Arizona -- HCM 2003 --

    Idaho -- SJM 113 --

    Kansas -- H.C.R. 5033 --

    Missouri -- H.C.R. 17 --

    New Hampshire -- HCR12 --

    Ohio -- HCR31 --

    South Dakota -- SCR13 --

    Montana -- HJR 25 --

    Utah -- HR1 --

    Virginia -- HJ86 --

    Georgia -- SR124 --

    Hawaii -- SCR96 --

    Illinois -- HJR29 --

    Oklahoma -- SCR10 --

    Oregon -- SJM5 --

    Florida -- S670 --

    Pennsylvania --HR278 --

    South Carolina -- SCR416 -

    Tennessee -- SJR088 --

    Texas -- HB 3647 --

    Washington -- SJM8004

    Alabama -- SJR68 --

    Moral of the story - beware of wacky propaganda sites including and any site that references as a good source!  For more about that read the answers to this question of mine.;...

    Hound your state reps. as well. 20 states opposing SPP is not enough. Many state politicians are reluctant to make waves because they selfishly place priority on their own ambitions for higher office. Press them to act under threat of voting them out.

    Stopping North American integration is a good start.

    Press all your representatives including state representatives to support a new and impartial investigation into 9-11. As long as those criminals evade justice, they remain free to advance their treasonous agenda.

    Get the word out.

  4. I began to see the movie but after a while, it was just to mauch conspiracy for me!

    I know that there's heaps of stuff we don't even know about almost everything.

    But, the movie idea is not that different from reality. Manipulating people in order to get their way.

    But i understand what you're feeling

  5. Be knowledgeable about who  you are voting for and why.

  6. store food,buy silver dollars,keep at least 2000 in cash at home somewhere....and watch the news at least twice a day so you know when something is about to break....and be ready

  7. Moving to Iceland is a good start.

  8. What to do, first step is to eliminate all of the internet trolls who do nothing but defend their beloved federal reserve and spread propaganda about 911. Then peeps can start hearing a little truth.  Me thinks we should fit them with RFID chips & send them off to the new FEMA prison camps.

    Next, join a movement, don't start one. Too many already. Divided we fall. Join a reputable 911 group (go for one backed by scholars and experts) and an North American Union opposition group. For Federal Reserve action, join Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty. If you must choose, choose Campaign for Liberty over the others.

  9. Getting mad as h**l as some of the things our government does is generally a good thing. Watchdog activism helps make us better as a society.

    Getting mad as h**l using Zeitgiest as a reference will probably get you dismissed as conspiracy theory synchophant. There is so much mis- and disinformation in the movie, few educated objective people take it seriously.

    Here is one of the better sites reviewing Zeitgiest point-by-point:

    A less complete site can be found at:

    I recommend you look up the points that confuse or outrage you the most. And, if you're still confused or doubtful, research the point(s) further.

    And some general advice for life...

    Be skeptical of everything you hear from anyone with an agenda, including government, media, and wacky fringe sites.

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