
I believe that Governor Sarah Palin is the real deal and that is why she is so popular in her home state..?

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of Alaska. Over 80% approval rating. She has a strong record as a reformer and has stood up against the biggest political crooks in her state and won. Her work and actions as Governor for just two years go far beyond anything Obama has done or even thought about doing and he is running for President. Obama's 143 days in the Senate before he decided to run is vitually as empty as his suit. Biden travels here and there, makes speeches here and there and votes the democrat ticket when called upon. Oh, lest we forget, he did participate(embarrassingly) in two failed attempts at running for the Presidency. Can we not all agree that Mrs Palin is more qualified than both of those gentlemen?




  1. If you think a woman does NOT have the "right to choose", then you should vote for McCain/Pa.. (whatever her name is).

    McCain "believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned."

    McCain and the Republicans believe a woman does NOT have the right to decide whether to have an abortion!


  2. Here home state has a smaller population than Austin, TX. If you don't think women should have rights and love huntin moose, go ahead, vote for Palin. She was on the PTA, then City Coucil, and now only a governor for two years. Obama is brilliant, no denying it.

  3. I agree with you 100 %.

  4. I concur. One need only hear her speak to know she is the real genuine article.

    Advantage McCain.

  5. It is early to make a complete judgment about Sarah Palin, but from her personal body language and verbal language she seems to be bright  honest and a new change!!  Lets see how she works her debates with Biden and the next 67 days. I really think when McCain picked her he rolled the right dice!! Lets talk next  week after the convention.

  6. I hear that she might get the Polar Bear vote.

    The Moose, however, that might be a different story.

  7. Yes Palin is more qualified, and she is well liked. Some people complain that they have never heard of her, but most had never heard of Obama til he ran for president other than being known as the first senator to take the oath on the Koran, the leftist n**i b@$t@rd.  

  8. I know she is under investigation for ethics violations..I know she stopped the asking for the bridge to nowhere,, proposed by the Alaska 'Republican  representative.. Other than that,,do you suppose she has had the military,, foreign,diplomatic,,or government experience of her counter vp candidate?? If the worse occurred, whoever  was elected,,and the president had to be replaced,,YOU can honestly say,,you would want her as the President of the United States ?? If the answer is yes,,YOU and YOUR type are the reason I despise parties,,and "party hacks"!! And the division in our Beloved America will never end as long as your sort exists..   L    H

  9. Exactly!  I think he made a great choice!

    McCain O8

  10. Exactly!!!!!!    Bingo!!!!!!!!!

    McCain /Palin 08

  11. I agree! Let us remember that this Democratic Congress now holds single digit approval levels - that should help insure the fascist is not elected.

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