
I believe there's paranormal activity in my son's bedrooms... what should I do?

by Guest34309  |  earlier

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We moved in 10 mos ago and I felt a strange phenomena a few mos after when I slept in the guest bedroom, now my 5 mos sons room. I can't explain it, I just felt an overwhelming unwelcome presence and at the time I was actually afraid to leave the room, I felt like 'it' was looming outside the room which is also in front of my 2 yr sons room also. Nothing else happened except that anytime I walked over to this side of the house it felt much colder and like an unfriendly place (sometimes). It's ALWAYS freezing on that side of the house. Last night I slept in my sons room to nurse and I heard my 2yr old in his room sleeping restlessly so I listened by his door and I thought I heard him coming to the door, but opened the door and he was sleeping, outside his room I felt pins and needles and a heavy dizzy like feeling overcome me. My sons sleep seems to get disturbed frequently, what should I do? We know the woman who used to live here husband commited suicide on patio by shooting himself.




  1. Fist of all, as I tell everyone that asks, calm down.

    Get a tape recorder, turn it on & ask what do you want, who are you & why are you here.

    Leave it on all night.

    Then ask it to stop what ever it is doing & that it is frightening you.

  2. You have imagined an unfriendly presence in a room in your house.  You are now allowing the product of your imagination determine what happens to you and your family.  Please consider this carefully before you take any action.

  3. This is what I would like for you to do.  First rule out the possibilites...if you have a problem on one side of the house, you may have a problem with a crossover duct that supplies the house with heat to that side.  It could be stopped up or you may have a crimp in the pipe or it could be loose.  If it is possible you check it out or have your hubby or a pro do it.

    Since you do have a history to violent death in the home, a blessing and cleansing is never a bad idea.  If you would like the clergy to do the honors, thats good.  But you can do it yourself.

    If you are still having problems. contact a good, reputable paranormal investigation group that will fit your needs.  They should be a group that is sensitive to what is going on at your home, respectful of your limits within your home, not a group to rush to judgement and they should be non profit.

    Hope that will help you!

  4. I did a research paper last year for school about ghosts so I found a great deal of views on the idea of ghosts. A common view of people who try to see the scientific side of the paranormal is that most ghosts are not really spirits of the dead wandering around; most of the time spirits are forced to pass on. Many times it is just the energy that a spirit left behind. Everyone leaves behind this energy when they die, but most do not leave enough to be detected. People who die traumatic deaths, like suicide in this case, leave behind enough energy to be detected by humans. If enough energy is left then people are able to feel the negative energy (like in your case) or sometimes even see a ghostly image doing things like before he or she died (this is why there have been many reports of people seeing ghostly "reenactments" of battle scenes and ghostly images of people doing things over and over, like glimpses of the past ). This "energy" type of ghost is not able to interact with humans ( thus it cannot harm them) because there is not a spirit present, just the energy. However, the negative energy can still affect the humans near it. I believe this is what is happening in your house: the negative energy of the man who killed himself is lingering in your house. White light helps to give off positive energy. Also that Asian thing about rearranging the furniture to "enhance the positive forces of Chi" actually works, so you might want to research how to do this correctly. Try to have positive thoughts by meditating and doing yoga. Also, try any other way you can think of to add to the positive energy and remove the negative. Check out this site:

    it has a lot of scientific explanations for your situation. Read all of it, especially the sound waves part.

  5. call paranormal investagators or a priest so he can bless the house. IM SERIOUS! ive seen spirits before only difference is that they were all friendly.

  6. please dont worry as he means no harm but just wants to be noticed by you,

    your children are aware of him as kids often are psychic just take time to acknowlage him then say loud please stop making me feel this way as your presence is not wanted please leave my home then locate a herbalists/new age shop for smudge sticks to cleanse your home & he will be gone please keep me posted good luck

  7. Overwhelming feelings of fear and anxiety may be more than just feelings. At times, certain locations may be filled with negative energy from events that have taken place in the past history of the location. This is also referred to as a "residual haunting" or "true haunting" or just haunting, depending upon what amateur paranormal or professional Parapsychologist you talk to.

    While this sounds scary, and it is technically paranormal in nature, it has nothing to do with ghosts or spirits and the like. These are feelings or emotions that are somehow "stuck" or imprinted in the environment of the room or the house. An easy way to get rid of these feelings is to imprint good feelings into the environment. Have a party there, invite people over, have good emotions in the room and try to ignore the negative ones. Eventually these good emotions will imprint over the negative ones and you will no longer feel these emotions.

    Another way is to bring large magnets into the room. Rare Earth magnets (from Radio Shack) or a Bulk tape eraser (for erasing VHS and other analog tapes) may do the trick.

    Lastly, be wary of amateur paranormal groups. Even though I am a director for one I can tell you that most groups are hung up on proving what is happening. They may tell you they will look for logical reasons to what is happening, but once they arrive on scene and begin to feel things they will quickly feed into the story and may add to your anxiety. If you have not had any other unexplainable events other than these feelings I would definately say you have a haunting on your hands, which most groups would have no idea how to handle.

  8. please check your home appliances (may be  source of carbon mono oxide)as the excess  presence of carbon mono oxide causes hallucination . so please check the percentage of carbon mono oxide in your home.

  9. Your initial anxiety was merely because it was a new place, nothing more. A draft or cold  area in a house is not uncomon.

    The bulk of your evidence is simply your own fear getting the better of you.

    Believe me, its all in your head. If you continue with your investigation you are only going to convince your son that there are ghosts there and he will become scared for no reason. And childrens minds are much much better at manufacturing ghost evidence than adult minds.

  10. Your story would make a great movie. if it sets your mind at ease ask a priest to come down to the house and bless it. i have the same strange things happen at the house i was raised in and to this day i still feel it.

    what you can do is go to the cemetery and visit previous owner of your home. silently communicate your thoughts and see if it helps you.

    you can contact me if you like

  11. Your question involves more than a single issue.  One is fear, which is yours to deal with.  Another is  the perception of danger, which might, or mightn't be valid [and the choices you make regarding that].

    Then there's the matter, assuming your fears are based on actual danger, of how you can best deal with the situation.

    The first priority is changing that fear from an emotional issue to an acknowledgment of a possible problem.  That's a must because otherwise you'll be unable to think clearly and make choices that make sense.

    I suppose I'd begin by trying to establish with certainty the actual temperatures around the house, and if there's an actual temperature difference, why.  

    Trying to find ways to explain it involving heating ducts plugged, etc.  If the cold side of the house happens to also be the north side, it might just mean that's the side not getting much sunlight and being hit by a north wind.

    As you see, you've gotten a lot of responses from people here who'll tell you there's not any problem [because they honestly believe they know about such things] and you'll get others telling you how to proceed as though there is, and that they know precisely what you should do.

    I'd offer the suggestion that you do nothing in haste.  Deal with your fear and explore the possibilities, examine the evidence around you looking for explanations other than what you believe is happening.

    That will give you time to reflect on what to do next with your thinking free and clear.

    Meanwhile, revisit this section of QA occasionally and read the QAs on related posts, along with the answers.  Examine both the attitudes and the logic behind the answers of each answerer until you have a feel for whether each knows what he's talking about.

    Then you might message some of those you feel have a modicum of credibility and ask for specific advice if you haven't already resolved the issue.

  12. Were you aware of the history prior to experiencing any of this phenomena? This may have put a pre suggestive imprint on your perceptions of these events. The coldness can be explained by any number of things such as ac proximity, drafts etc...On the other hand spirits tend to draw on the energy of those they are near and that would explain your dizzy feeling and the disturbance of sleep. If you feel strongly that this may be paranormal in origin you should contact a reputable team in your area to help you with this situation. My best wishes are with you. Hope you find your answers!

  13. Some people believe that the violent death of an individual will leave some sort of "imprint" of that tragic moment, along with the residual emotional state the person was in. Oftentimes spirits will lay dormant until the situation in the home changes (a new baby, renovations) and things of that nature.

    Your impression that the house was strange may not be unfounded but since you had prior knowledge of the home's history - that could have influenced your association of noises with the tragic passing.

    The feeling that there are cold spots can be attributed to drafts in the walls, floors - but they are also connected to paranormal phenomena.

    You can only be sure of something extraordinary if you rule out all of the possibilities. Keep your anxiety level about what you are experiencing down to a minimum, you could be feeding energy to your surroundings causing these events.

    Try to keep an open mind and dismiss whatever you're feeling - if things continue or you get undeniable proof for yourself ( an apparition or shadow person or things breaking or falling, lights going on and off on their own) then you should try to seek some proffessional help.

  14. it sounds like strange things are going on.. if i were you, first of all, i would continue to observethe activities... maybe jott them down.. if things starrt getting worse.. its time you call a paranormal  investigator.. your claims sound genuin unlike many others here.. if i were you, i would sleep with all my kids.. in one room.. by doing that you can monitor everything, make sure nothing is going on and if anything happens when you are asleep they dont have to worry about going to another room.. your just right next to them.. do tell us about what happens and give us updates.. we will probably be able to help you out more then.

    put many sacred and holy things akk around your house.. also wear these kinda stuff.

    i am not trying to scare you, and many ppl dont know this.. but spirits can harm.. and a suicide seems quite violent.. ppl with such deaths usually dont  make it to the other side.

    there have been cases WHERE THE  SPIRIT possessed someone and whie in that person, tried to kill another.. also spirits can just lift you up into the air and toss you to the other side of the room, punch you and stuff like that,..

    good luck...

  15. From what you have said it appears you have taken on a home knowing about its previous occupants and you have developed a 'fear' of the house.  

    I don't think its haunted, I think you need to regain control of your fears.  You can do this by making a real mental effort to be stronger than the fear. If you hear a noise take a moment to compose yourself and tell yourself "nothings gonna scare me in my home" before you check, and if you can develop this further you will eventually find the fear will dissipate.

    Also if i am wrong and you do have a visitor, maintaining the strong attitude will help remove that problem too.

    Good Luck

  16. If the area has a high EMF reading, it could be due to electrical current.

    Wires outside of the electrical panel, old wiring, or the electric panel itself not being insulated could cause this sensation.

    Is there an electric panel nearby?

    Maybe in a closet near the rooms?

    Or maybe down in the basement under the rooms in question?

  17. I would sprinkle holy water everywhere in my home.  Try it, I have done it before, but only to ward negative energy away and it has helped. While sprinkling it around, ask for cleansing from whomever you pray to, whether it be god, allah, buddah, etc.

    good luck

  18. First thing, you must use your logic. Cold areas can be from poor insulation to drafts in the house.

    Do you know about Electro-magnetic energy?

    This energy can be let out from anything from alarm clocks to faulty wireing. High EMFs has symptoms of why people think a house is haunted. Dizzyness, Nausea, Feeling of Dread and Being Watched, Paranoria, thinking you see images out of the corner of your eye. Get that checked out first before jumping to conclusions. You can also leave a tape player recording when no one is in the house to see if anything is going on paranormal or video the room.

  19. Put everything you can think of that's "positive" everywhere in your house...esp. that area. Put on happy music...spray good smelling perfume all over the house...decorate with happy colors...put up happy pictures..try to have a positive attitude. put up a lot of lights (esp. in that area) . Make it a "warm home" to live in. Switch around rooms a lot...Maybe you and your husband should sleep in your 2 yr. old's room..Even if you can't move the furniture. Just tell your kids you're playing  a game.(I think the game is called "Fruit Basket Turnover"...or make up a name yourself." Tell them that you're trying out the room just in case you want to change rooms.Put some heaters on the side of the house that's cold.Those feelings might be your nerves from your fear.

    I grew up in a house where a young man had hung himself. I never knew about it till recently. I was always scared if I was by myself and it seems like things did happen to me. But, it was a big house . My sisters were never afraid in it and nothing happened to them. I think sometimes fear draws them. Your house is probably ok..I just thought of these things and thought I'd tell you . They're not paranormal remedies...but they might help. At least maybe they will help YOU..lift your spirits. Good Luck!

  20. That is freaky. call a preist

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