
I belong to a local AmDram group and we need to think of ways to raise money for our next show.?

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Anyone got any ideas or Fundraising ideas?

Many thanks for any help.




  1. during my scout leader years, I used to organise an auction every year. It takes some doing but I used to write to all the big boys like British Airways, North Sea Ferries, Virgin, HMV, Tesco, Sainsbury, M&S, Amstrad and go and talk to your local independant shops. Ask or get them to donate goods and gifts. One of the best gifts I got every year (you wont get it now) was a trip for 2 on concorder including lunch from Leeds Bradford Airport. It used to get over £200 every year. DFDS used to give me weekends in Amsterdam, Amstrad used to give me now electronics, Hampers from all the supermarkets, local camera shop used to give me a camera, local butcher used to donate a turkey voucher for xmas, the list can be massive and as long as you get local radio to advertise it and maybe get one of their DJ's to be a guset auctioneer. Get a hall supply tea and biscuits for the interval and it allows you to sell tickets for your next AmDram show.

    Oh and make sure it goes in the paper as you need as many people as possible to turn up for bidding. If you can get at least 50 items thats great.

    Also if you get any gift vouchers what I used to do was to put them all in plain brown envelopes and put them together in a bucket so that noone knew what was in what, i would then draw them out and get people to bid blind on them so a £30 voucher may have sold for £5 or a £5 voucher may have sold for £30. It's always a good night but you need to give yourself plenty of time to organise it. I used to put on the letters to the big boys auction date and an invitation to it and ask for their generous gifts however small to be delivered to XXXXXXXXX by XXXXXX date

  2. Dress up in some of your costumes and do a sponsored pram push. Always best if you get a man in drag dressed as a nun or a nanny pushing a man in a nappy! You can open it up to other groups and ask them to pay an entry fee but they can collect money on route.

    It's always good fun, easy to do and the public will give generously.

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