
I bet almost all of you can name more beers than you can name the 10 commandments! just do what it says below!

by  |  earlier

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1. name as many of the 10 commandments you can.

2. name all the beers you know, no more than 15 please!

just write,

1.(your answer here)

2.(your answer here)

I am doing a survey so i have to do this!




  1. I get it, this is one of those, "God made pot, Man made beer, who do you trust?" things, isn't it !

  2. thou shall not kill,steal,cheat,be jealous, hit on your neighbours wife,idol false gods,honour thy parents


    bud corone heineken coors light lakeport ale light pilsner killkenny guiness mgd lgd keiths pc light sleeman and i could go on

  3. Why do you think you have the right to test people on their knowledge of the Lord, How bout I ask you, What are the seven deadly sins in alphabetical order smart a&&, See ya in church Sunday, and we'll talk? I won't dignify the second half of your question ,cause there's no compairison? I say tomato and you say tomaato?????????

  4. 1.

    1-i am the lord your god u shall not have other gods before me

    2- do not take the name of the lord your god in vain

    3- remember to keep holy the sabbath

    4- honor your father and your mother

    5- thou shall not kill

    6- thou shall not commit adultery

    7- thou shall not steal

    8- thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor

    9- thou shall not covet thy neignbors wife

    10- though shall not covet thy neighbors goods

    2. i dont know many b/c im only 15

    miller lite, busch, heineke, bud light

  5. i'm not a christian so i don't know any commandments so this question doesn't make sense..furthermore, this question is fallacious since it's comparing two unlikely, unrelated something better with your time..

  6. this is really stupid since there are ten commandments but there are hundreds of different breweries

  7. I am so confused!

    DO YOU WANT ME TO LIST all 10 commandments (I can).


    Or are you trying to prove god is real?

    I can tell you the 10 commandments. But let me tell you, at 13 you have not seen things yet, that convince you that god is real.

    How many beers can you name at 15 yrs of age?


    1) I was on kidney dialysis, they accidentally put an air Embolism: The obstruction of a blood vessel by a foreign substance ( in my case air bubble)  or a blood clot blocking the vessel. Something travels through the bloodstream, lodges in a vessel and plugs it.

    Causing my heart to stop, and me to stop breathing. In other words I was in medically DEAD.  Well I am here writing this. I know ther is a god!

    2) I had an open heart operation, about a week later I developed an infection. I was taken to the E.R. I was about to have a tube inserted in my throat to help me breathe. I have seen this before, and I never want it done. I prayed to god "please do not let them put that tube down my throat."

    I immediately started breathing better,and they did not have to intubate me.

    During my open heart operation, they STOPPED my heart. Once again I survived.

    I will send an addendum with the beers,  and commandments if you want.

  8. 1. thou shall have no other gods before me

    2. thou shall not committ adultury

    3. thou shall not steal

    4. thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain

    5. honor your father and mother

    6. keep the sabbath day holy not murder

    8. do not  bear false witness

    9. do not covet

    10. do not make graven images

    1. bud light

    2. corona

    3. natural light

    4. sam adams

    5. heiniken( the beer in the green bottle)

    6. guiness

    7. miller

    8. coors

    its not a good survey because you don't know if i actually knew all the 10 commandments or if i just broke out my Bible and looked the answers  you need to modify the survey to get good data too many factors that you can't control with the way you have it set up right now

  9. I wont even bother, your bet is too safe, I CAN name all 10 commandments.  However with the number of beer manufacturers out there you can't compare the two.

  10. You're the reason some christians have a bad rep. Take it some place else.

  11. go to the church

  12. You're totally right! i don't drink, but i still know more beers! To tell you the truth, I really can't think of one of the commandments... haha

  13. This really should've been posted in Society & Culture>Religion & Spiriuality if people wanted to hear u bashing their personal hobbies n ranting about how God's gonna punish them I'm sure they'd go there. And by the way ur 13 I'd like to hear u answer that question once you get out of your parents house!

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