
I bid on a xbox 360 and win it cost about $120 but know the guy is tell me that i was bid on a email

by  |  earlier

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and not the xbox. but in his Description of the item he said Microsoft Xbox 360 what can i do also he said if i don't buy it he going to kick me off ebay.




  1. Report him, and tell eBay that the seller is deliberately misleading and attempting to scam people.

    If you can, take a picture or screen-shot of the description of the item and the threatening messages telling you that he will "kick you off eBay" and send them to eBay as proof.

    DO NOT get fooled by scammers like this on eBay. DO NOT get intimidated by low-lifes like him.

    Ebay is a highly respected and trusted site that will not kick you off if you do not agree to pay someone. The people who use eBay, however, not all of them can be trusted.

  2. You should report him, file a dispute and tell eBay that that seller is misleading it's potential buyers.

    What he/she is doing is wrong, they should plainly say that they are not selling a system if that is what they make it seem like.

    Do not pay this him and make him drop the claim.

    $120.00 for an email...what a douche bag

  3. **** that guy and file a report against him and dont pay

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