
I binged last night with food, and I have no idea why:(?

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I have had eating problems since I was 13 and I am 18 now. I was doing fine, and I started to get my life back on track, and then last night I just couldn't control myself. I ate so much and I kept on eating even when I started to hurt. I don't know why I did this, but I never want to do it again. I have done this 5 times within the last two weeks. I have done this my whole life and no matter how many books I read, or how much I try and train myself, I fall back into the same spot as before. I thought about killing myself this morning because I am so tired of food being my life. What the h**l should I do, I just want to live my life.




  1. Go to, it helped me........

  2. Pray. That's the only way. Jesus is a miracle worker, and he can give you a miracle. Don't cuss!!

  3. Oh sweetie,I have had addiction problems to deal where as I felt like you did this morning and always seemed to get through another day but it wasn't a food issue,I really wish I could offer some true blue advice to help you through this.I hope you find some good advice from those who feel the same way you thing i know you should never do is beat yourself up over this,it will only make matters worse! I wish you all the luck and love in the world...x*x

  4. If you are thinking about killing yourself you need help, NOW! Don't try to solve this yourself. It'll only get worse.

  5. okay thats not good.

       I hope you know everything your doing to your body its SOOOO unhealthy. Dont keep doing it. Eat slowly and limmit ur self on food. Dont Purge it. Get help. im not trying to be mean but serioulsy you need help. Try training your self again. and when your tempted to eat a whole lot just get a drink of water...  DONT kill your self, Suside is a perment soulation for only a little problem.  

  6. I was going to say that you're just going through a bad patch, and sliding back to old habits for a week or 2 isn't that bad.  You can learn from this and do it even less next time, but no one is ever perfect and eats perfectly all the time after having eating problems.  

    But, when you say things like you want to end your life, then it's a whole lot more serous.  Please call a hotline or get some counseling, if you can't talk to someone.  No one knows you're feeling this way unless you tell them, and there are people who can help.

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